Second, they are untrustworthy snakes, always keen to assure buyers there is a lot of interest in some pokey basement, while at the same time telling sellers that a mingy offer is the best they will get. 第二,他们都是不值得信任的小人。他们总是信誓旦旦地向买家保证,某个狭小的地下室有很多人感兴趣,然而同时他们又告诉卖家,房子顶多能卖少得可怜的价钱。
The problem with that restaurant is that they give you such mingy little portions of food. 那家饭店的问题是他们给的每份食物少得可怜。
She's rather mingy about food. 她在吃的方面比较吝啬。
They gave us a mingy amount of cheese. 他们只给了我们少得可怜的一点点干酪。
All I scored was a mingy three points! 我的全部得分是少得可怜的3分!