Minicabs are prohibited by law from touting passers-by for business. 无标志的预约型出租车沿街拉客是非法的。
Minicabs are not allowed to tout for hire on the streets. 小型出租车禁止在街上兜揽生意。
Minicabs used to be battered and smelly bangers; many are now BMWs. 过去的电话预约出租车是破旧不堪、味道难闻的老爷车;如今许多都换成了宝马(BMW)。
Taxi wars have erupted in Paris as the monopoly long enjoyed by the Frenchcapital's notoriously protectionist cabbies is being challenged by a new breed of bookable minicabs. 巴黎的出租车大战爆发了,长期的贸易保护政策让巴黎出租司机享有称霸全城的垄断地位,但现在这种垄断地位却受到了一种可预订的新型出租车的挑战。
Despite the clear dearth, Paris 'powerful taxi lobby has successfully fought off repeated attempts to deregulate the industry and bring in minicabs-usually by bringing the capital's main ring road to a total halt. 尽管出租车明显缺乏,但巴黎强大的出租车说客已经成功的击退了一些多次试图解除该行业管制和引进迷你出租车的谋划-通常是让首都主要环路的运行完全瘫痪。
Minicabs make it easier for people to get about. 微型出租汽车使人们往来各处更为便利了。
But he insists the taxis can find a premium niche among operators with millions of vehicles used as taxis and minicabs across the world. 但他坚称,在世界各地拥有数百万辆出租车和迷你出租车的运营商中,此款出租车能找到一个溢价利基市场。