Miniskirts are in fashion in Beijing and Shanghai this summer. 今夏超短裙风靡京沪。
Miniskirts in European and american ( in Western) styles have also Become popular in Shanghai nowadays. 欧美潮流的“迷你”裙,如今也在上海流行了。
Going far beyond business casual, the clothes seem either highly informal or provocatively young& jeans, athletic shoes, tight T-shirts and miniskirts, for instance. 他们的着装已经远远超出了“商务休闲”的范畴,看上去要么极其不正式,要么太不成熟&比如说牛仔裤、运动鞋、紧身T恤和超短裙。
Now, summer is here and shorts and miniskirts mean that your shoes are no longer overshadowed by long pants and coats. 如今夏天到了,短裤和迷你裙意味着你的鞋子不会再因为长裤和外套的遮挡而黯然失色了。
In Northern England, girls wear miniskirts when they go out to bars in the biting cold and drink strong alcohol so they don` t feel the chill. 在英国北部,女孩们外出去酒吧时,常常冒着彻骨的严寒,身穿迷你短裙;然后喝一些烈酒,这样她们就不会感到寒冷了。
Seated on adjacent leather armchairs, both sporting white shirts, miniskirts and auburn-tinted hair, Ms Han and Ms Kim explain how they help clients to bridge the inter-Korean cultural divide. 韩雪香和金敏贞挨着坐在皮革扶手椅上,两人都穿着白衬衫,迷你裙,头发染成茶褐色。她们介绍了自己如何帮助客户跨越朝韩之间的文化鸿沟。
Midriff-baring tops, backless dresses and miniskirts are necessities in many girls 'wardrobes. 露脐装、露背装还有超短裙都已经成她们衣柜里的必备品了。
Like firecrackers and some children's toys, many miniskirts should come with warnings on their hang tags. 和鞭炮还有某些儿童玩具一样,很多迷你裙的标签上都应该有警示说明。
In good economies, we get such results as miniskirts ( as seen in the 1960s), or in poor economic times, as shown by the 1929 Wall Street Crash, hems can drop to the ankle almost overnight. 经济状况好的时候,满大街都是超短裙(比如上世纪60年代);而经济不景气的时候,比如1929年的华尔街大衰退,裙摆可以在一夜之间长及脚踝。
Since Japanese kids like to dress up like their favorite characters, the girls got more realistic outfits, with miniskirts, matching vests and hip-hugging belts. 鉴于日本小孩喜欢模仿心仪角色的穿着,因此新版角色的穿戴更现实化,不但穿上了迷你裙,还配了背心和紧身腰带。
I believe miniskirts will soon be all the rage again. 我相信迷你裙会再度流行。
At Emporio Armani, out came a parade of sherbert-tinted party dresses and little bubble miniskirts, some adorned by decorative bows, some sporting Beaded fringes. 在emporioarmani时装秀上,展示了果汁牛奶冻色彩的礼服和小泡泡迷你裙,有些饰以装饰性蝴蝶结,有些带着很炫的珠边。
There should be no jeans, no miniskirts, and no sport shoes or slippers. 禁止穿牛仔裤、超短裙,也不得穿运动鞋或拖鞋。
Miniskirts came in again. 迷你裙又再度流行了。
Miniskirts were the mode in the late sixties. 迷你裙是六十年代后期的时尚。
Miniskirts are all the craze again. 迷你裙再次盛行[风靡]。
The result was a collection of camel body suits; high-waisted, perfectly cut flares and A-line canvas miniskirts, often trimmed in black leather; and oversized crisp white shirts. 于是驼色套装系列出现了:高腰身,剪裁完美的下摆和A字形的帆布超短裙,并且常常以黑色皮革装饰;以及超大尺码、洁净挺括的白衬衫。
His ambition is to become the great general, but whether that's for the sake of nation or the miniskirts is difficult to know. 他的野心是当上大总统,但真不知这是为了国家还是迷你裙。
Miniskirts are ( coming) in again. 超短裙又(快)时兴了。
Miniskirts are all the rage, at least among girls who can wear them. 超短裙至少在能穿它们的姑娘们中间非常流行。
Miniskirts came into fashion several years ago. 超短裙几年前开始流行。
Jeans, miniskirts, and sport shoes are barred. 牛仔裤、迷你裙和运动鞋都是被禁止的。
Mr Chan, who took the stand this week, argues that his relationship with Ms Wang, nicknamed Little Sweetie for her trademark pigtails and miniskirts, was entirely genuine. 陈振聪于本周出庭,称自己与龚如心的关系完全是真诚的。龚如心因其标志性的马尾辫和迷你裙赢得了小甜甜的昵称。