In most of the textbooks, the minterm is used to simplify the logic function. 为了提高匹配算法的效率,文中用最小项数作为标签标定变量(变量组)。
The ideas of Karnaugh map and minterm inhibition are introduced to reduce the complexity of Boolean neural network. 并引入卡诺图化简及最小项抑制的思想降低神经网络的实现复杂性。
A minterm-vector method for diagnosing fault in combinational networks 组合网络的最小项矢量法故障诊断
Study on the Rule of the Simplification of Same Logic Function through the Minterm and the Maxterm 浅谈用最小项和最大项化简同一逻辑函数的规律
This method takes the switch operations for CMOS circuits through the active functions of neurons, and takes the neural network's k-map and the minterm suppression into consideration. 该方法通过神经元激活函数推导开关级电路的开关函数,同时引入神经网络中卡诺图化简和最小项限制的化简方法。