The most brilliant leadership can be mired in detail. 最有才干的领导也会陷于拘泥琐事的困境中。
Many Asia Pacific economies were mired in poverty; 许多亚太经济是微度贫困;
But that is hardly an issue now for much of Europe, which is mired in high unemployment. 但是,对于失业率高企的大部分欧洲地区而言,目前这几乎不算是个问题。
But they, too, have previously become mired in such scandals in China. 但是他们此前也曾陷入过中国的这类丑闻。
If you find yourself mired in a mundane job, maybe a change is needed. 如果你发现自己的工作无聊而平庸,这就意味着是时候改变了。
And some economists worry that the country might eventually be mired in mega debt. 此外,一些经济学家担心中国最终会为巨额债务所累。
The difficulties in which the question is involved; brilliant leadership mired in details and confusion. 卷入了该问题的困难;卓越的领导陷入了小节和混乱。
The country's most accomplished film-maker depicts a society that is built on deception and mired in strife. 伊朗最富成就的电影制作人将当下描述成一个堆建在谎言之上,深陷于冲突之中的社会。
When night hides her body's flaws calling under her brown shawl from an archway where dogs have mired. 当夜幕遮住她肉体的缺陷时,她就披着褐色肩巾,走边被狗屎弄脏了的拱道,一路吆唤着。
Tokyo that spring was a city mired in its ninth consecutive year of economic stagnation. 那一年春天,东京是一个陷入连续九年经济停滞的城市。
China's ties with India, a fast-growing economy, also have been expanding at a time when Pakistan is mired in financial difficulties and dependent on International Monetary Fund loans and foreign aid. 中国和印拓展了关系,印度发展很快,但同时巴基斯坦面临着财政困难,依赖着国际货币基金组织的贷款和外国的援助。
Only Japan seems to be mired in weakness. 仅有日本似乎深陷疲弱的泥沼。
America, Europe and Japan mired in debt and slow growth or even recession. 而美国,欧洲和日本却深陷债务危机泥潭,经济增长缓慢甚至停滞。
Spanish sport has been mired in rows over racism in the last few years. 在过去几年中,西班牙体育已陷入种族主义的泥潭不可自拔。
The Group of20 is mired in disagreement about how to address trade imbalances and exchange rates. 二十国集团成员国在如何解决贸易不平衡和汇率问题上,陷入严重分歧。
His finding reflects the fact that a long but inequitable period of economic growth has lifted many developing countries into middle-income status but left a minority of their populations mired in poverty. 他的发现反映了这样一个事实:一个漫长且不平衡的经济增长期把许多发展中国家带入了中等收入国家水平,但这些国家中仍有少数的一部分人深陷贫困的泥潭。
It has had regular presidential and parliamentary elections, only one mired by violence. 该国定期举行总统和议会选举,只有一次选举因暴力事件受到影响。
The Cfius process itself is mired in mystery. 外国投资委员会的审查程序本身就充满了神秘色彩。
He said despite economic gains throughout the hemisphere, too many people remain mired in poverty. 虽然全球化的经济增长,仍然有许多人处于贫困的水平。
Asian growth bounced back, but advanced countries were mired in high unemployment. 亚洲经济增长迅速回升,但发达国家仍深陷高失业率的泥沼。
The spending spree has helped steady China's economy while other major nations remained mired in the global downturn. 在其他主要国家仍深陷全球经济下滑泥潭的时候,大举支出帮助中国经济实现了稳定。
Mired in the worst financial crisis since the 1930s, we have good cause to say the same. 身陷自上世纪30年代以来最严重的金融危机,我们有充分的理由表达出同样的心声。
A world in which most people enjoy prosperity and opportunity is surely better than one in which 80% are mired in economic stagnation. 一个多数人享有繁荣和机会的世界一定好于一个在经济停滞中80%人陷入困窘的世界。
Japan has been mired in deflation since 1999, a period known as the lost decade. 自1999年以来,日本一直受到通缩的困扰,这一时期被称作失落的10年(lostdecade)。
But is there any point in spending your future mired in these questions from the past? 但是,有没有任何的观点在消耗你的从过去就受困于这些问题的将来呢?
It was a road in which horses and wagons mired regularly. 马和车子经常在这条路上陷进泥里。
The country was mired in recession. 这个国家陷入了经济衰退的困境。
Overall, emerging countries have a better fiscal and debt outlook than advanced economies which are mired in huge deficits and growing debt levels, he says. 整体而言,新兴国家的财政和债务前景,都优于正身陷巨额赤字和债务水平不断提高的泥潭的发达经济体,他表示。
And that which you ascribe to me is mired in your controversies. 你将我所归属的种姓使你陷入争论之中。
Japan, for example, remains mired in slow economic growth but has high educational standards. 例如,日本的经济增长依然缓慢,但该国的教育水平却很高。