He permitted himself a small mirthless smile. 他挤出一丝苦笑。
Hsinmei quickly added," of course, I've no experience," and laughed a forced, mirthless laugh. 跟着一句又轻又快的话&“当然我并没有经验,”毫无幽默地强笑一声。
And still, Voldemort and Harry looked at each other, and now Voldemort tilted his head a little to the side, considering the boy standing before him, and a singularly mirthless smile curled the lipless mouth. 伏地魔和哈利仍然互相对视着,然后伏地魔把脑袋微微偏到一边,打量着站在他面前的这个男孩,没有嘴唇的嘴巴扭动着,露出一个古怪而阴郁的笑容。
I was determined that my own children should not experience anything like the mirthless childhood that I had endured. 我决心不让我自己的孩子经历我那样的悲伤的童年。
Meanwhile there were three that were one, that flickered and flashed and morphed and wove long, grey, grim thread with a sound like mirthless laughter and white teeth. 同时,那里还有三个原先是一体的出现了。他们闪烁不定,摇摆,他们编织着那长长的,灰色的,阴森的线,发出的声音好象是悲伤的大笑,白色牙齿的摩擦。
Said the captain; his mood had changed again and the mirthless smile was back on his lips. 他的情绪又变了,唇间又一次泛起了那阴沉的微笑。
"It looks as though we're going to lose the match," he said with a mirthless laugh. “看上去我们要输了这场比赛,”他苦笑着说。
He gave a short, mirthless laugh. 他发出短暂的苦笑。
As she parted her lips in a mirthless smile, her even white teeth were bared as if ready to bite. 她露出她的白牙齿干笑,那整齐的牙齿好像会咬人。
That punctual, mirthless laugh was ringing in Prince Andrey's ears long after he had left Speransky's. 在他离开斯佩兰斯基以后,这种有节制的、忧郁的笑声经久不息地在安德烈公爵的耳旁发出回响。
Some laughed again: mirthless but with meaning. 有些人又笑了,不畅快,却别有用意。