This article mainly analyses the profession type enterprisers how to face the actuality, to advance their basic qualities, to correct the misadministration of the technician type enterprisers and become the more mature ones. 本文重点分析职业型企业家如何面对现实,提高素质,走出专业型企业家的管理误区,迈向成熟。
At the national level," Pollution control regulations of drinking water source protection zones "issued by State Environmental Protection Misadministration provides a strong basis to the drinking water source protection. 在国家层面对饮用水水源保护的专门立法是原国家环境保护局等联合颁发的《饮用水水源保护区污染防治管理规定》,给饮用水水源地保护提供了有力的依据。