These days I am no longer a misanthrope; I love donating to charity and gay sex. 这些天我不再是一个厌世者,我爱捐献给慈善机构和同性性行为。
I have a dread of being thought a misanthrope. 我担心自己会被人看作是个遁世者。
He even had a brief career in law, which may partly explain his inclusion of lawsuits and legal strife in The Misanthrope. 他甚至还进行了简短的职业在法律上,这可能部分地解释他列入诉讼和法律纠纷中的愤世嫉俗。
Has been known to melt the heart of even the hardest misanthrope. 能融化最硬心肠的厌世者的心。
Nice try, but you're a misanthrope, not a misogynist. 不错了,你讨厌的是世界,不是女人。
The Comparison of Worrying Mentality& by Comparing and Analyzing the Characteristics of the Main Characters in Timon of Athens and Le Misanthrope 忧患意识比较&《雅典的泰门》、《恨世者》主人公性格特点比较分析
Moli è re's comedy Le Misanthrope created a derisive young character who, like Hamlet, was a brilliant young man in contrast with the ugly and hypercritic society of his time. 法国戏剧家莫里埃的喜剧《恨世者》塑造了一个供人嘲笑和讥讽的优秀青年阿尔赛斯特。