His father was a misanthropic but successful businessman. 他的父亲不爱与人交往,却又是个成功的商人。
Hitler with his misanthropic ideas tried to destroy Russia and throw us back behind the Urals. 希特勒带着他恶毒的想法想要摧毁俄罗斯,把我们赶到乌拉尔山的另一面。
But I also confess to being misanthropic& I don't much like most people. 但我也承认自己是个厌世者-在大多数人眼里我很另类。
I was misanthropic and sullen; I brooded and worked along, and had no friends-at least, only one. 我郁郁寡欢,愤世嫉俗;我深居简出,奋力攻读;我鲜朋少友&只有唯一的一个朋友。
In his psychological state, it is not difficult to find the moral sensitivity, misanthropic mood, profound melancholy and the tendency of fatalism. 他的心理状态呈现出几大特征,即极度的道德敏感、悲观厌世情绪、深深的忧郁和明显的宿命论倾向。
Jane is filled with sympathy for the misanthropic Rochester. Nevertheless, she realizes she must now depart. 简对愤世嫉俗的罗切斯特满怀同情,但意识到此时她必须离开。
Leo Liebenstein, her awkward, misanthropic, middle-aged hero, is a delicious character. 她笔下的主人公里欧•利本施泰因非常有趣,他人在中年,笨拙又厌世。
The horror of man led the misanthropic prophet to implacable hatred of the world. 人类的恐怖行为导致这位遁世的预言家对人世深恶痛绝。
The Rescue Me gig was a unique opportunity to play a character-a misanthropic, angry guy-who was so contrary to how people think of me. 救救我演唱会是表演一个令人讨厌的人&生气人的独特的机会。其实他与人们眼中的我有很大差别。
Should have just depended on your misanthropic view of human nature. 应该像你一样抱着人性本恶的观点。
As a consequence, these misanthropic and perverse philosophers are called cynics. Eventually the group is called the cynics school of ancient Greece due to many followers and unique idea. 后因追随者众多且思想独特自成一派,这个哲人群体又被称作古希腊犬儒主义学派。