
英 [ˌmɪsəˈprəʊprieɪtɪŋ] 美 [ˌmɪsəˈproʊprieɪtɪŋ]

v.  私吞; 挪用


  1. VERB 盗用;挪用;侵吞
    If someone misappropriates money which does not belong to them, they take it without permission and use it for their own purposes.
    1. I took no money for personal use and have not misappropriated any funds whatsoever...
    2. A total of $500 million is alleged to have been misappropriated.


  1. A once-trusted brokerage with roots dating back to the 1700s, MF global is now a bankrupt firm suspected of misappropriating customer funds to the tune of at least$ 600 million.
  2. Misappropriating the funds entrusted by clients for securities trading, or funds in the clients 'accounts;
  3. The lawyer was sent to prison for misappropriating money placed in his care.
  4. "Unlawfully uses the Company seal or fakes work records, documents or vouchers with the intention of misappropriating Company property"
  5. Isabella was my friend when she was alive, and that fact is unchanged by her death, and as her friend I did not want anybody misappropriating her vision, her life and her particular genius.
  6. Some Issues on the Crime of Misappropriating Public Funds;
  7. He is accused of misappropriating$ 30000 to pay for personal taxes, gambling debts and travel expenses.
  8. There are cases of work units misappropriating budgetary funds or special funds in disregard of the relevant rules and regulations. Lawfully investigating the liabilities for irregular possession of funds and provision of guaranty to other parties
  9. The company shall adopt efficient measures to prevent its shareholders and their affiliates from misappropriating or transferring the capital, assets or other resources of the company through various means.
  10. We will continue to tighten supervision and management over the use of capital from treasury bonds, the construction of projects and the quality of engineering and to investigate and severely deal with any act of withholding or misappropriating these funds.
  11. Misappropriating the theories of social science.
  12. From now on, anyone who is guilty of interfering with government affairs, misappropriating power, accepting bribes shall promptly be put to death by slicing.
  13. Analysis of Feasibility Study of Our Road Capital Construction Projects from Road Function; Crime of Misappropriating Public Funds: Thinking of Amendment
  14. Misappropriating or stealing cultural relics of the state;
  15. A Comparative Analysis of the Judicial and Legislative Interpretations of Misappropriating Public Funds for Personal Use
  16. Part Four concerns the objective aspects of the crime of misappropriating public funds.
  17. Misappropriating public funds for the use of private company does not belong to for the use of person.
  18. In judicial practice of China the crime of misappropriating public funds is one of the most frequently. The current criminal law code and judicial interpretation stipulates the crimes clearly, but there still exist quite a few questions worth probing into.
  19. On the Stipulation of Object and Intention of the Crime of Misappropriating Public Funds
  20. Linking with practice closely, the author analyzes four main components of crime of misappropriating public funds systematically and makes a further explanation about the relative criminal law and its application.
  21. Analyzing the evolution process of the crime of misappropriating public funds, the author pointed out the defect of the crimes patterns, and reconstructed the crimes patterns.
  22. The nature of the guilt lies in misappropriating public funds for personal use.
  23. Misappropriating public funds to private companies or private enterprises belongs to individual use. These judicial explanations not only mislead the concept of unit and individual but also are not in conformity with the other related judicial explanations.
  24. The determination of misappropriating public funds to the enterprise without corporate qualification should be subjectively clarified that this enterprise has no corporate qualification.
  25. By using the login software on client's workstations, we can strictly control and manage network connections of the clients and resolve the problems from misappropriating of ip address and deceiving of MAC address.
  26. The crime of misappropriating the public funds is a crime newly constructed in the criminal law. The establishing of this crime provides legal basis for the punishment of misappropriating public funds.
  27. On Knotty Problem about Crime of Misappropriating Public Funds
  28. The crime of misappropriating public funds is regarded as a criminal phenomenon, which belongs to the scope of the crime of corruption and bribery.
  29. It has possible that online game could indirectly cause misappropriating public funds.
  30. Under the old trading rules of bond repurchase system, a large number of misappropriating phenomena appeared.