You can find the script in the sqllib/ misc subdirectory of your DB2 installation. 您可以在DB2安装的sqllib/misc子目录中找到该脚本。
The summaries section also shows the parent class loader: The parent of the system class loader is sun/ misc/ Launcher$ ExtClass loader ( 0x00ADB830). 这个汇总部分还显示了父类类装入器:系统类装入器的父类是sun/misc/Launcher$ExtClassloader(0x00ADB830)。
Change the directory to the location of your sqllib/ misc directory. 将目录修改为您的sqllib/misc目录所在的位置。
A member of the Misc package, the Volume class controls the volume level on the computer. Misc包的成员之一Volume类控制着计算机的音量。
The Misc incubator package contains an eclectic collection of one-task components. Misc孵化器包包含一个挑选出来的单任务组件集合。
The kernel is then decompressed through a call to a C function called decompress_kernel ( located in./ arch/ i386/ boot/ compressed/ misc. c). 然后调用一个叫做decompresskernel的C函数(在./arch/i386/boot/compressed/misc.c中)来解压内核。
In our test environment, it is "$ HOME/ sqllib/ misc". 在我们的测试环境中,它是“$HOME/sqllib/misc”。
The final class in the Misc package addresses the Dock Menu, a component that only exists in Macs and has no parallel in Windows or Linux systems. Misc包中的最后一个类解决了停靠菜单(DockMenu),这个组件只在Macs中存在,在Windows或Linux系统中没有对应的组件。
These are just two misc things in6.67 that I wanted to share with you guys. 这就是我想与大家分享的2个关于DotA6.67的改动内容。
Provider. Space. Their Ads. Your Ads. Upload. Scripting. Pre-Scripts. Your URL. Misc. 提供者。空间。他们的广告。你的广告。上载。写稿。预手稿。你的URL。杂项。
Three Camera Beards cannot be crafted into a Misc Token, despite the fact that the option to Fabricate Slot Token can be discovered when attempting to do so. 三个相机络腮胡不能做成一个杂像空位标志,尽管合成时允许这麽做。
The Most Excellent Topics That Cannot Be Neglected in Misc. Cultural Periodicals; Transformation from the Optimal Control to the Optimal Parameter 文化综合类期刊不可忽略的最优选题最优控制与最优参数选择问题的转化
The last part of this paper, I analyzed the SP system how to access to the MISC system and accordingly deal with. Further more, I expounded how to develop application components in MISC framework structure and how to use the software bus and workflow system. 本文的最后部分通过分析SP如何接入系统以及系统内部如何做相应的处理阐述了如何在MISC架构下开发应用组件以及如何运用架构的软件总线和工作流系统。
Customer self-service system MISC system as the basis, add a layer of independent framework to discover business irregularities, control its impact range of real-time information sharing, good treatment measures for abnormal situation. 客服自服务系统以MISC系统为依托,添加一层独立的架构,及时发现业务违规行为,控制其影响的范围,实时进行信息共享,对于异常情况做好处理措施。