He is still, in the eyes of some, an irredeemable misogynist. 在某些人的眼里,他仍然是个无可救药的厌恶女性者。
Women's rights campaigners described the urinals as sexist and misogynist. 女权主义竞选者认为,这些小便池在宣扬男性至上、歧视女性的观点。
Offensive rants-racist, misogynist, or obscene-are an exception. 那些带有进攻性的长篇大论的人种族主义者,厌恶女人的人,猥亵的人则是例外。
Twenty centimetres, you need to be a real misogynist for that. 20厘米,希望你是个讨厌女人的男人。
Nice try, but you're a misanthrope, not a misogynist. 不错了,你讨厌的是世界,不是女人。
I don't feel any pity, I only feel joy! That bunch of misogynist trash deserve to die! 俺怎么也没有感觉惨,只觉得痛快!那个垃圾斜交群体该得的报应,活该!
Some critics voice the opinion that Joyce is a misogynist, which, as a matter of fact, is erroneous. 一些论者认为乔伊斯是厌女者,其实这是不符合事实的评价。
A lot of critics held negative attitudes towards Brett for her superficial promiscuity and thus labeled her as a "bitch." Consequently, Hemingway has long been accused of a misogynist due to the depiction of Brett as a destructive woman. 由于她的放荡不羁,许多评论家对其都持否定态度,并将其定为魔女。基于海明威塑造了一个极具破坏性的女性形象,不少评论家指责海明威为厌女作家。
He should not be simply marked as a misogynist. 人们不能简单地就把他标为厌女者。