VERB 错误地引用;误引 If someone is misquoted, something that they have said or written is repeated incorrectly.
He claimed that he had been misquoted and he threatened to sue the magazine for libel... 他声称自己的话被错误地引用,并威胁说要以诽谤罪起诉这家杂志。
The case was brought by a psychoanalyst who says a journalist misquoted him in a series of magazine articles. 这起官司是由一位心理分析学家起诉的,他声称一名记者发表在杂志上面的一系列文章里错误地引用了他的话。
Many lines from Shakespeare's plays are misquoted and misapplied 莎士比亚戏剧中的许多诗句被人误引误用。
He claimed that he had been misquoted and he threatened to sue the magazine for libel 他声称自己的话被错误地引用,并威胁说要以诽谤罪起诉这家杂志。
The case was brought by a psychoanalyst who says a journalist misquoted him in a series of magazine articles. 这起官司是由一位心理分析学家起诉的,他声称一名记者发表在杂志上面的一系列文章里错误地引用了他的话。
He repeated that he had been misquoted 他反复说他的话被错误引用了。
People in the public eye often have to deal with being misquoted and misrepresented, and it can be difficult to get a timely correction made by the original news source. 公众人物往往必须应对断章取义、误解歪曲等尴尬,而要让最初发布此类消息的媒体及时更正也很难。
Craig pointed out specific places in which people are misquoted, leading to years of misunderstandings and error propagation. Craig指出了一些人们被错误引用的详细地方,导致了多年的误解和错误传播。
This is not a translation issue. Either he was misquoted, or is a master of making obtuse statements. 这不是翻译的问题,要么是因为他的发言被媒体错误引述,要么是由于他太擅长模棱两可的表述。
The politician complained that the newspapers had misquoted him. 这位政治家抱怨报纸错误地引述了他讲的话。
There is always a risk of being misinterpreted or misquoted, particularly if your briefing circulates outside your specific target audience. 写简报时,总是有错误表述和引用信息的危险,特别是如果您的简报在特定的目标观众之外流传时,情况更是如此。
Because being an athlete and being a figure skater, I rarely have the opportunity to voice my opinion without being misquoted. 其实作为一名运动员,一名花滑运动员,我很少有机会去表达我的观点而不被媒体扭曲。
I never said that at all& I was misquoted by the press. 我完全没有说过那些话,我的话被报界误引了。
He is frequently misquoted in the press. 新闻界常常错误地引证他的话。
Her promise was deliberately misquoted by her opponents who then used it against her. 她的诺言被她的对手故意错误地引证以便来反对她。
Biblical proverbs include "Money is the root of all evil" ( misquoted from I Tim. vi, 10). 有一句谚语出自圣经,叫做钱是万恶之源(从《提摩太书》第六卷第十节误引而来)。
Adams has been misquoted and maligned for saying that all counseling problems are due to sin; 基督教心理学家说亚当斯认为人的问题都来自罪,没有身体上的因素影响他。
We have been informed, however, that the reports misquoted Taiwan officials. 不过,我们已获知这些报导是错误引述台湾官员的话。
And Mr Tenet's book tour is turning into a nightmare; every time he goes on television to complain that the administration mistreated and misquoted him, he looks more and more snivelling. 每当他在电视上出镜,抱怨布什政府对他不公,断章取义的引用他的话时,也越来越痛哭流涕了。
These are also less likely to be misquoted than oral presentations, but offer fewer opportunities for interaction and dialogue. 这样做也更不容易被错误引用,但是这样做提供的交流机会要少一些。
So far he has spoken very little to the media and the translator makes it clear that if he continues to be misquoted he won't speak at all. 到目前为止他很少跟媒体交谈,而且假如他的话一直被人扭曲,翻译人员明确的告诉我们他再也不会开口了。
Scientists have feared often with justification that they will be misquoted and their work misrepresented by journalists who do not understand the technical details. 科学家担忧这常常是有理由的他们的话会被不理解技术细节的记者错误地引用。
The minister claimed she had been misquoted in the article. 部长声称那篇文章错误地引用了她的话。
However, Pavin has now used his Twitter page to claim he had been misquoted. 但是,帕维现在已经在他的微博上声称报道不切实际。