In the first stage, missioners came to the Portuguese commercial beachheads along the coast of Canton and waited for a suitable chance to enter Canton city. 在第一个阶段,传教上只能进驻葡人在广东沿海的商业据点,借此伺机进入广州城。
In the second stage, the growing trades between Canton and Macao provided the missioners an opportunity to enter into inland of China. 在第二个阶段,澳门与广州之间日益增长的商业联系为传教士进入中国内地提供了机会,广州最终成为天主教向内地传播的入口。
The first ornamental garden in New Zealand was established in 1814, by European missioners after their settlement. 1814年,欧洲传教士正式永久定居于新西兰,并建起了第一座观赏园林。
The people in charge of the ceremony were mainly wizards from the non han nationalities, which shows that those wizards might be the missioners who served as linkage of the people of the Zhou Dynasty and the heavenly god worshiped by the non Han nomadic people. 在灵台上祭天礼地的主要是胡巫,这喻示了胡巫可能是沟通周人与西北游牧民族天神信仰的使者。