The most popular theory is that OK comes from "oll korrect", a deliberate misspelling of" all correct ". 答:最普遍的观点认为&OK是来自于拼错的词组“ollkorrect”,原意是“allcorrect”(什么都是对的)。
This would prevent a common mistake like misspelling the method name. 这样可以防止误拼方法名之类的常见错误。
Add close phonetic matches of the misspelling's near misses: Find all phonetic codes for words that are one edit operation from the misspelled word. 加入与拼写错误单词的“靠近遗漏”(nearmiss)接近的语音匹配:加入与拼写错误单词只差一个编辑操作的所有单词的语音代码。
A phonetic matching algorithm cannot match this type of misspelling with its replacement, since the two words sound different. 语音匹配算法不能用它的替换来匹配这种拼写错误,因为两个单词听起来是不同的。
The idea is that for a misspelling, you should look for words that are suitably "close" using the definition of distance to the misspelled word. 它的意义在于,对于拼写错误的单词,您应当查找和它“接近”(这就使用了距离的定义)的单词。
One final tip: A lot of time-killing problems with the classpath revolve around simple errors like misspelling a directory name or compiling from the wrong directory. 最后一点提示:很多耗时的类路径问题的起因大都是目录名拼写错误或从错误目录进行了编译。
Nevertheless you might want to include wrte in your dictionary, because it is a common misspelling in the texts that you want to analyze. 不管怎样,您都需要在字典中包含wrte,因为这是在您希望进行分析的文本中经常出现的错误拼写。
As a result, this algorithm is too slow for finding the closest match for a misspelling in very large dictionaries. 所以,如果在非常大的字典里查找拼写错误的最相近匹配,这个算法就太慢了。
Quick Fix provides an in-line dynamic syntax validation mechanism where errors such as misspelling are detected and quickly fixed. 快速修复(QuickFix)提供一种内联动态语法验证机制,通过这种机制可以检测并快速修复拼写错误之类的错误。
A spell check application based on Soundex would not, therefore, offer lamb as a suggested correction for the misspelling lam. 这样,基于Soundex的拼写检查应用程序就无法把lamb作为拼写错误的lam的修改建议。
For instance, there are no "stepping stones" from the misspelling puzzel to any correctly spelled English word. 例如,对于拼错的puzzel,找不到“路碑”可以到达拼写正确的英文单词。
According to the Whigs, Jackson invented the abbreviation OK to cover up his own misspelling of all correct. 根据辉格党人所说,杰克逊发明了OK这个缩写以掩饰他自己拼写allcorrect(完全正确)时的错误。
Don't undermine your achievements by misspelling them. 不要因为拼写错误而破坏了你的成就。
Meant as an abbreviation for oll correct, a popular slang misspelling of all correct at the time, OK steadily made its way into the everyday speech of Americans. OK表示的是一个常用俚语词allcorrect(完全正确)的错误拼写ollcorrect的缩写,它逐渐进入美国人的日常对话中。
Dan Quayle, the VP under President Bush Sr., never seemed to shake his image of a dunce following a much publicized misspelling of the word potato to a group of elementary school students in New Jersey. 丹奎尔是老布什总统手下的副总统。自从有次访问一所新泽西州的小学时,他不小心把potato(土豆)这个单词拼错后,似乎就再也没法从公众心中抹去其呆瓜的形象。
The teacher wiped the misspelling from the blackboard. 老师把黑板上拼错的字擦了。
"Neng Mao" was one tiny misspelling of Panda in Chinese, which I made in elementary school. 小学那阵儿,稀里糊涂地在一次作文里将“熊猫”误写成“能猫”。
Misspelling is a strain to read. 错误的拼音使人读起来特别吃力。
Whenever you check the spelling of a file, you have an option to add a word flagged as a misspelling to a custom dictionary. 每当您检查文件的拼写时,您都可以选择将标记为拼写错误的单词添加到自定义词典。
A Latin term meaning slip ( or slips) of the pen, error ( or errors) made by an author in writing a text, such as a misspelling of a name; 一个拉丁文术语,是指著者撰写正文时发生的一项或多项错误,如名称的错误拼法;
She is capable of misspelling longer words. 她容易拼错较长的单词。
But also to fight the requirements are very strict, a little misspelling in one place could come to naught. 而且对拼的要求很严,稍稍拼错一个地方都会前功尽弃。
It means never thinking twice about misspelling a method name because the compiler immediately indicates the error. 这意味着,不用过多考虑方法名称的拼写错误,因为编译器能够立即指出这类错误。
You'll lose marks for misspelling. 你会因拼写错误而丢分数。
Puns exasperate after a while, tall tales have a certain sameness, misspelling is a strain to read. 双关语用滥了看了令人生厌,荒诞不经的故事有点千篇一律,错误的拼写使人读起来特别吃力。
On the first day of class I'd ask the professor," what's your policy on misspelling?" 我打算在开学的第一天向教授提出这样的问题:“您是怎样看待拼写错误的?”
Tree of Life Form: Corrected a misspelling in the tooltip. 生命之树形态:校正了说明文字里的一个拼写错误。
It would be easily identified as a misspelling of one particular word. 很容易断定它是某种特殊单字的误拼。
It stands for "Oll korrect", a misspelling of" All correct", usually by a famous person, most often Andrew Jackson. OK代表“Ollkorrect”,“Allcorrect”(完全正确)的拼写错误。这一拼写错误是由一位名人造成的,可能是安德鲁·杰克逊吧!
Quality problems occur in fansubs involve format errors, misspelling, mistranslation and misuse of punctuation. 目前字幕组翻译存在的质量问题有:格式错误,拼写错误,翻译错误和标点误用等。