He is called Mitch, because his name is Mitchell 人们叫他米奇,因为他大名叫米切尔。
Mitchell beat Lewis by three-hundredths of a second. 米切尔以0.03秒的微弱优势赢了刘易斯。
Colin Mitchell will judge the entries each week 科林·米切尔负责每周对参赛作品进行评判。
The crowd then turned their anger on Prime Minister James Mitchell. 然后人群把怒火都撒向詹姆斯·米切尔总理。
General Lewis Hyde had served under General 'Billy' Mitchell 刘易斯·海德将军曾是“比利”·米切尔将军的部下。
Mitchell is well built, of medium height, with a dark complexion. 米切尔体格健壮,中等个头,肤色黝黑。
Like Jimmy Mitchell did. 就像吉米·米切尔所做的那样。
In Jerusalem Tuesday, Mitchell said any disagreement between Washington and Israel are not disagreements among adversaries. 米切尔星期二在耶路撒冷说,华盛顿与以色列之间的意见分歧并非敌对双方之间的分歧。
But firefighter Mahlon Mitchell came to protest anyway. 但消防队员马伦·米切尔(MahlonMitchell)最终还是前来参加了抗议。
I am Gareth Mitchell. 我是加雷斯·米切尔。
Mitchell: What exactly did you do at that company? 米切尔:我明白了。你为什么选择我们公司?
And he noted his special Mideast envoy, George Mitchell, will be returning to the region next week. 他指出,他的中东特使米切尔将在下个星期重返中东地区。
This is Mitchell Gallagher. 我是米契尔·加拉赫尔。
Did you hear that Mitchell turned down that job? 你听说了吗?米切尔没接那份工作?
In1997, Greenspan wed NBC television journalist Andrea Mitchell at a ceremony in Washington. 1997年,格林斯潘在华盛顿的婚礼上和NBC记者安德利亚。米切尔结婚。
GARETH MITCHELL: This is the facial scanner that I'm standing at now. 加雷思•米切尔:我现在站在一个面部扫描仪旁。
Mitchell had such a crush on Mary that he blushed every time she looked at him. 米切尔真的“煞到”玛丽了,只要被她看一眼,他就脸红了。
Good afternoon, madam. I'm Sergeant Jeremy mitchell. 下午好,女士,我是杰里米-米歇尔军士。
Shepard and Mitchell could not reach one of their goals& a crater called Cone. 谢泼德和米切尔也无法到达他们的目的地&一个称做圆锥的陨石坑。
Please join us in congratulating Mitchell for this award! 请加入我们,祝贺米歇尔获得这个奖项!
Claudia Mitchell, 26, lost her arm in a motorcycle crash. 26岁的克劳迪娅·米切尔在一次摩托车事故中失去了她的一条手臂。
US President Barack Obama has appointed David Mitchell as a special envoy to Burma. 美国总统奥巴马委任戴维·米切尔为缅甸特使。
Mitchell plans to meet with Israeli and Palestinian leaders during his trip. 米切尔计划在本次访问中会见以色列和巴勒斯坦领导人。
David and Brenda mitchell, pictured above, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary last weekend. 上图中的戴维和布伦达米切尔夫妇于上周末庆祝他们的金婚纪念日。
Mitchell said no one should expect an easy road ahead, but he contended important progress was being made. 米切尔说任何人都不应期望一条前方平坦的道路,但他坚决主张正取得重要进展。
James Mitchell edited a volume of essays under the title'the God I want '. 詹姆斯米切尔以《我所渴求的上帝》为题编辑了一本散文集。
You have to offer a career path that is not tied to leadership, Mr Mitchell says. 你必须提供一条不与领导岗位挂钩的职业道路,米切尔表示。
I could visualize the scene at the time and Mitchell's inscrutability. 我可以想象得出当时的情景和米切尔的那种神秘莫测的表情。
Did Mitchell Johnson's review come out yet? MitchellJohnson的评论出来了没有?
In 1996 he proposes to Andrea Mitchell, an NBC correspondent he had been seeing for 12 years. 1996年,他向拍拖了12年的NBC记者安德莉亚米切尔求婚。