
英 [ˈmɪtɪɡeɪts] 美 [ˈmɪtɪɡeɪts]

v.  减轻; 缓和


  1. VERB 减轻;缓解;缓和
    To mitigate something means to make it less unpleasant, serious, or painful.
    1. ...ways of mitigating the effects of an explosion...
    2. The cost of getting there is mitigated by Sydney's offer of a subsidy.


  1. GWT provides a high level of obfuscation that mitigates the problem to a degree, but a secondary point of attack remains: any HTTP traffic that travels between your GWT client and its services.
  2. A dynamic compiler mitigates this cost by eventually compiling all the interpreted methods that are frequently called by JIT compiled code, but without a dynamic compiler, this cost can't be hidden.
  3. An iterative evolution mitigates the risk of failure by allowing the organization to modernize in small steps.
  4. Splitting the enterprise into domains and introducing the concept of Local Service Bus mitigates the risk and allows migration to a newer infrastructure in well controlled phases.
  5. My employer ( ThoughtWorks) mitigates the highly variable nature of software projects in several ways.
  6. The iterative approach accounts for changing requirements, it mitigates risks earlier, and it allows for tactical changes as developers learn along the way.
  7. This mitigates the problem caused by point-to-point communications in a system with a proliferation of services.
  8. You can imagine the interoperability nightmares that could result ( though the language's flexibility mitigates these problems in some ways).
  9. A small but meaningful backlog mitigates such issues, and is an essential starting point to any requirements process.
  10. It also mitigates high risks early in the project, including validating all architecturally significant project decisions.
  11. Federated cloud computing mitigates the fragmented data, application, and infrastructure silo issues associated with the traditional business model.
  12. The IBM open virtual client mitigates these issues with IBM Lotus Symphony ™, a free productivity suite that includes three applications: Documents, Spreadsheets, and Presentations.
  13. Just as each iteration mitigates project risk, each evolutionary release into production reduces organizational risk.
  14. This realization mercifully mitigates the easily paralyzing sense of responsibility and prevents us from taking ourselves and other people all too seriously; it is conducive to a view of life which, in particular, gives humor its due.
  15. The protection of higher standards of governance and regulation in developed markets mitigates political, legal and regulatory risk in emerging markets, Ms Barbary said.
  16. Continuous input current is ensured, which mitigates the impact on DC source and improves DC voltage utilization.
  17. Or conceivably for some of these things, perhaps it mitigates it; it minimizes it in one way or another.
  18. The feeling mercifully mitigates the sense of responsibility which so easily becomes paralyzing, and it preventing us from taking ourselves and other people too seriously;
  19. The strategy of those funding research to accept publishing costs as a fixed item of research expenditure mitigates this problem.
  20. High correlation mitigates such moves as all sectors tend to rise and fall together.
  21. And then there is Germany, the industrial powerhouse of Europe, but with a federal system that mitigates against the surge of one great national city, such as London, Paris or Madrid.
  22. Simultaneous Shenfu injection treatment during reperfusion mitigates ischemia/ reperfusion myocardium injury in isolated rat hearts
  23. Furthermore, it mitigates the difficulty for calculating load factor every measurement interval in switches, as well as more and more stable queue occupancy in the network.
  24. A "salt" consists of random bits used as an input to the hash function in conjunction with the password, and mitigates the risk in two major ways
  25. This indescribable something which I have defined as gentleness, softens and mitigates, if it does not redeem, the physical and moral defects of the Chinese in the hearts of foreigners.
  26. However, knowledge of English language among certain brands 'customers mitigates this association, so names such as Nike Air and MacBook Air ( which are not Lexicon clients) would be widely acceptable, he explains.
  27. This mitigates the risk of any SOA endeavor: building lots of services that are never going to be used anywhere.
  28. No single presidential administration deserves the blame for structural problems, but an important lens through which to judge a policy agenda is whether it recognises and mitigates those problems.
  29. The control strategy realizes the inverse dynamic model, mitigates the disturbance, ensures the system stability.
  30. In the buy-back contract, fairness preference mitigates the risk aversion of the retailers.