N-COUNT 助记代号,助记口诀(指帮助记忆科学定律、拼写规则等的单词、小诗、句子等) A mnemonic is a word, short poem, or sentence that is intended to help you remember things such as scientific rules or spelling rules. For example, 'i before e, except after c' is a mnemonic to help people remember how to spell words like 'believe' and 'receive'.
When it is inside a menu, the copy function's mnemonic should be C, P, or lastly, Y. 当在菜单中时,复制函数的助记符应该是C、P、或者至少应该是Y。
So, you can see that "#" is "at the beginning" of "$", and thus ( according to our mnemonic),"#" removes characters from the beginning of the string. 这样,可以看到:“”位于“$”的“开始处”,因此(根据我们的记忆法),“”从字符串的开始处除去字符。
Assemblers work principally at the same, low level of abstraction, even though it's somewhat easier to remember a mnemonic like MOV instead of its corresponding binary representation. 汇编程序大体上是一样的,低层次的抽象,即使记住像MOV的助记符号而取代其相应的二进制表示要稍微容易。
The& character before the x in Exit indicates that x is to be the keyboard navigation key ( mnemonic) for this menu item. Exit中x前的&字符表明x是该菜单项的键盘导航键(助记符)。
Assembly mnemonic differences and usage 汇编助记符差异和使用方法
Object files are roadmaps that contain mnemonic symbols with attached addresses and values. 目标文件是包含带有附加地址和值的助记符号的路线图。
The PowerPC Virtual Environment Architecture [ 1] provides more technical details about this mnemonic and describes an algorithm to calculate gettimeofday in assembly. PowerPCVirtualEnvironmentArchitecture[1]提供了更多有关这条指令的技术细节,并介绍了一个使用汇编语言计算gettimeofday的算法。
One mnemonic learning trick for new vocabulary is the Keyword Method. 生词的记忆方法中,有一个叫关键词记忆法。
Exploring the Mnemonic Effects of Alliteration on the Retention of the Meaning of English Idioms 探索头韵对英语习语意义记忆的影响
Research of Mnemonic Lifting Control System Based on Coal Shearer Test Model 采煤机记忆调高试验模型控制系统研究
I have a mnemonic system. I remember everything. 我有一种记忆方法,任何事我都记着。
You can have your own mnemonic device to figure that out, but anyway. 反正你可以用你自己的记忆方法,来解决这个问题。
The verb pattern is shown in this dictionary by mnemonic codes. 动词模式在本词典中用易于记忆的符号标示。
The Effect of Mnemonic Key-letters Method on Chinese Children at Risk in English Vocabulary Learning; 关键字母法对中国学习不良儿童英语词汇记忆的作用(英文)
Assembler: A progamming language in which one mnemonic source statement is coded for each machine-level instruction. 汇编语言:一种编程语言,每一条助记符源语句都对应一条机器指令。
An assembler language programmer writes one mnemonic instruction for each machine-level instruction. 汇编语言程序设计员为每条机器指令写一条助记符指令。
Each machine-language instruction is represented by one assembly-language mnemonic, usually followed by one or more variables, registers, or constants. 每个机器语言指令都会用一个组合语言助忆键来表示,后面通常跟著一个或多个变数、暂存器或常数。
There may even be a mnemonic for all this. Fresh air helps memory. 清新的空气能够帮助记忆,或许还有助于欢唱。
The list itself was conceived by Tom as a kind of drawing, a mnemonic form which shares with drawing that basic constituent element, the line. 汤姆认为列表本身就是一种绘画,一种记忆形式,它与绘画有一个基本的共同点,即线条。
An access key, also known as a mnemonic, is an underlined character in the text of a menu, menu item, label of a button, or some other control. 访问键(也称助记键)是菜单、菜单项、按钮标签或其他某控件的文本中带下划线的字符。
If this sentence sounds a little vague, that's because it's actually a mnemonic code. 如果说它听上去有些含糊,那是因为其实它是一个有助于记忆的代码。
Named slots can be convenient, because you can use a mnemonic identifier. 因为可以使用助记标识符,所以命名槽可能是很方便的。
Painting in this case, still a craft of imitating objects becomes a form of the most intimate diary-writing, recording not the happenings in the physical world, but their mnemonic projections. 绘画在这种情况下,仍是一个模仿对象的工艺,成为最亲密的日记写作形式,不是记录在现实世界发生的事情,而是记忆的投影。
Based on previous studies, this experiment is designed to explore the effect of the mnemonic key-letters method on the backward retrieval of the English words. 本研究以大学生为被试,以英文单词为实验材料,采用实验室实验法,探讨了关键字母法对于英文词汇记忆的作用。
General mnemonic instruction set 通用助记符指令系统
Carriers Used in Memorizing Vocabulary of Classical Literature& Mnemonic Methods Enlightened by Words from Greek Mythology; 古希腊文化中词汇记忆的载体运用&由希腊神话故事启发的单词记忆方法(英文)
The Influence of Dissymmetry and Word Property on Bilingual Mnemonic Representation 非对称性和词汇性质对双语记忆表征的影响
The broad role of disassembly is to create mnemonic representation of binary code. 反汇编主要用来产生二进制代码的助记码表示。
This handy mnemonic may help us remember when the two events occur. 这个简便的记忆法也许可以帮助我们记得这两个运动会何时举行。