abbr. Mobile Neutron Radiography System 移动中子射线照相系统
Major non-coding regions ( MNRs) had different characteristics among different subclasses of Monogenea. The size and repetitive frequency of repeat units was the main difference, which might be used to infer phylogenetic relationship of high taxonomic groups. 主非编码区在单殖吸虫不同亚纲之间具有各自的特点,主要表现在重复序列的大小和重复次数的差异,推测其可用于推断高级阶元类群间的系统发育关系。
Therefore, man-nature relationships ( MNRs for short) are the primary clue of the agriculture society. 因此,人地关系是贯穿整个农业社会人类发展的主导线索。