ADJ 活动的;可轻松移动的 You use mobile to describe something large that can be moved easily from place to place.
...special mobile units where men can have their fingerprints taken and donate a specimen of blood. 人们可以取指纹和捐献血样的特设流动点
...the four hundred seat mobile theatre. 有400个座位的流动剧场
ADJ-GRADED 走动方便的;行动自如的;出行方便的 If you are mobile, you can move or travel easily from place to place, for example because you are not physically disabled or because you have your own transport.
I'm still very mobile. 我仍然行动自如。
ADJ-GRADED (社会)流动性的;(在职业、住所或社会阶层间)自由流动的 In a mobile society, people move easily from one job, home, or social class to another.
We're a very mobile society, and people move after they get divorced. 我们的社会具有很大的流动性,离婚以后人们就会搬家离开。
...young, mobile professionals. 流动性大的年轻专业人员
ADJ-GRADED (面部表情)易变的,多变的 If someone has a mobile face, the expression on their face changes quickly as their feelings change.
Robyn had the more mobile, more expressive face. 罗宾有一张更加善变、表情更加丰富的脸。
(悬挂在天花板上的)风动小饰物 A mobile is a decoration which you hang from a ceiling. It usually consists of several small objects which move as the air around them moves.
同 mobile phone A mobile is the same as a mobile phone .
A thigh injury increasingly hindered her mobility 大腿受伤使她行动愈发不便。
We can break the transport system's dependence on oil without sacrificing its efficiency and compromising mobility. 我们可以打破交通系统对燃油的依赖,而不牺牲效率和流动性。
First and foremost, there is workload partitioning and Live application mobility. 首先是工作负载分区和动态应用迁移。
Among other features, it includes cross systems management for WPARs and automated policy-based application mobility. 在其他特性中,它包括WPAR的交叉系统管理和基于策略的自动化应用程序迁移。
In a follow-on article, I will review availability, resiliency, and even mobility aspects. 在后续的一篇文章中,我将讨论可用性、弹性和移动性问题。
With increased mobility and the emergence of enterprise networks came a revised definition of the concept of trust. 随着越来越多的移动和企业网络的出现,信任概念有了不同的定义。
As a cultural concept, mobility is really about flexibility and freedom. 作为一个文化的概念,流动性指的是灵活度和自由度。
We live in an age of information, mobility and connectivity. 我们生活在一个信息、移动和互联的时代。
This campaign articulates Michelin's commitment to better mobility for individuals and society at large. 这项运动阐明了米其林的承诺,以更好地调动个人和社会大众。
One reason is the increasing upward mobility of the younger generation. 原因之一是年轻一代的上进心增强了。
Mentored women and men gain higher salaries and more upward mobility after a few years. 受到辅导的女性和男性获得了更高的工资,并且在几年之后有了更多向上的流动性。
These equations can guarantee the MMV mobility, and reduce coupling of the system. 该方程在保证MMV机动性不变的前提下,降低了系统耦合性;
An issue of key interest to East Asia is the mobility of labor markets-and its impact on growth. 对东亚地区具有关键意义的一个问题是劳动力市场的流动性及其对增长的影响。
This will provide greater mobility to investigate rumours of suspected cases and deaths and to follow contacts. 这将为调查有关疑似病例和死亡的谣言和保持联络提供更大的灵活性。
Mobility: This is the fitness quality I'll use most loosely. 流动性:这是健身的质量,我会使用最松散的。
It also allows the high mobility in the confined spaces and in the crowd. 它还允许在密闭空间的高流动性和人群。
Finally, we discuss the limitations of current research on income mobility and directions of future research. 最后探讨了现有收入流动性研究的局限性和未来研究的方向。
Thus, mobile office has already been put into your pocket, and office mobility has been realized. 此时,移动办公室已经被你装进了口袋,从而真正实现了办公的移动性。
A secondary constraint on labour mobility is the system of communication linking employer and worker. 对劳动力移动的另一个限制是联系雇主与工人间的情报系统。
They not only reduce city congestion and transportation costs, facilitate logistics and distribution, but also allow for more labour and product mobility, more freedom for leisure travels, and in turn more consumer spending and better quality of life. 它们不仅减少了城市拥堵,降低了交通成本,方便了物流和分销,而且还促进了劳动力和产品流动,方便了人们休闲旅游,进而提振了消费者支出,改善了生活质量。
It suggests the metropolitan transportation planning and management to combine organically the mobility and accessibility. 提出大城市的交通规划和管理应把机动性和可达性有机结合起来。
Negative equity ties homeowners down, impeding the mobility that boosted jobs growth in previous US recoveries. 负资产束缚了房屋拥有者,妨碍了在美国前几次复苏中促进了就业增长的人口流动性。
URA updating procedures provide the mobility functionality in this state. URA更新流程提供了在这个状态的移动性功能。
Such economic mobility may weaken their caste identity, as could better education. 经济水平的提高也许使他们淡化了种姓身份,受到了更好的教育。
And we have added to our intellectual mobility by the telephone, radio, and television. 我们还通过电话、无线电和电视提高了我们智力上的机动性。
A strong economy offers greater opportunities for social mobility. 发达的经济为社会流动提供了更多的机会。
The change and mobility of the key element is the base of industry promoting. 生产要素的转换和流动是推动产业结构升级的基础。
Given Lori's definitions, these standards address mobility and/ or portability and in some cases interoperability. 鉴于Lori的定义,这些标准可以帮助解决可迁移性和(或)可移植性,以及某些情况下的互操作性。
Our results on occupational mobility and wages show that labor market skills are more portable than previously considered. 我们对于职业流动和工资的发现也说明了劳动力市场上的技能比以前研究所认为的具有更强的转移功能。
There is less movement between the classes, less social mobility. 阶级之间的变动少了,社会的流动性也小了。