N-COUNT (某些新教教会重大会议的)会议主席 In some Protestant churches, a moderator is a senior member of the clergy who is in charge at large and important meetings.
...a former moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland. 苏格兰长老会最高会议的前任主席
仲裁人;调解人 In debates and negotiations, the moderator is the person who is in charge of the discussion and makes sure that it is conducted in a fair and organized way.
It is up to the moderator to solve any possible doubts between inspectors and producers during the inspection meeting. 会议主持人在审查会议上应该解决审查人员和生产者直接的任何可能出现的疑问。
By clicking Add or Remove, the moderator can quickly swap names back and forth between these two lists. 通过单击Add或Remove,主持人可以在这两个列表之间快速地来回交换名称。
The new Meeting Room client has been completely redesigned to provide a much richer moderator and participant experience. 新MeetingRoom客户机完全经过重新设计,提供了更加丰富的主持人和参与者体验。
The moderator has again implicated to me that the time is really up. 刚才主持人又向我示表了,时间到了。
I just ask the moderator to help me. 我找主持人帮忙就行了。
My role here this evening is to be a moderator, but it's also to be a student. 我是今天的主持人,但同时也是个学生。
Also, this area needs a Moderator, so please contact me if you are interested. 只要你喜欢,就来和大家分享吧。该板块急需一个版主,望有意者留言或者联系我。
An independent moderator should be appointed to oversee the negotiations. 应任命一个独立的仲裁人来监督谈判。
The Influence of Work-family Conflict on Job Satisfaction and Life Satisfaction of Employees: Big Five Personality As a Moderator 企业员工工作-家庭冲突对工作和生活满意度的影响&大五人格的调节作用检验
By default, you are the moderator of any web conference you create. 默认情况下,您是您所创建的所有web会议的主持者。
Conclusion Dispositional optimism would be a moderator of the relationship between negative life events and suicide ideation. 结论气质性乐观是负性生活事件与自杀意念之间的调节器。
No~ the moderator is a easy approached man! Communicate with him more! That's good! 也不是~版主大大超好说话!和他多交流呀!好地呀!
Management review time interval for compliance with the requirements of the time, management review and moderator; 管理评审的时间间隔是否符合要求,管理评审的时间和主持者;
Comrade Zhao Zhongxiang was a well-known TV programme moderator, particularly noted for being a quiz master. 赵忠祥同志曾是中国赫赫有名的电视节目主持人,尤以主持智力竞赛节目出名。
The moderator often takes notes during the groups or writes responses on boards. 在焦点小组会议过程中,主持人通常会做记录或在黑板上写下参与者的反应。
Used as a lubricant and as a moderator in nuclear reactors. 在核反应堆中作润滑剂和缓和剂。
Reports rework time and defect counts to moderator. 向评审负责人报告返工时间和缺陷数。
Moderator: highway and airport specific effects by how and when to open it? 主持人:高速公路和机场具体受到了怎样的影响,什么时候能够开通呢?
The properties for this moderator could not be displayed. 不能显示此中继的属性。
After I request another one of moderator's opinion, I will clear all overdue post. 本人资询另一位版主的意见后,决定将所有逾期文章清理。
Thanks so much for this pictures and fantastic work done by our moderator and all friends. 多谢这么多和详细的照片及信息。多谢斑主和广大朋友的参与和努力。
This is not only because I was moderator. 这不仅因为我是座谈会的主持人。
Moderator: I want to thank both of you for the interesting points you have made. 主持人:我要感谢两位提出有趣的观点。
The moderator of the review meeting may be one of the persons not responsible for the design. 审查会议的主持人可以作为没有责任的人选之一。
Have a teacher or counselor act as moderator of each group. 请教师或辅导老师担任每个小组的主持人。
Moderator: place him in a job, residence in another place. 主持人:他工作在一个地方,户籍在另一个地方。
First, the moderator introduced the Microsoft Club and guest speaker Chen teachers. 首先,主持人热情向听从介绍了微软俱乐部及主讲嘉宾陈明老师。
I'm gonna take the prerogative of the moderator and ask the last question of each of you. 我要以主持人的身份,问最后一个问题,你们每个人都要回答。
When the moderator asked about his pink news, he smiled and denied. 当主持人问到他的绯闻时,他笑笑否认了。
The board moderator and administrator cannot reward his own articles. 版主和管理员不能对自己的帖子实行奖励操作。