In order to meet the urgent needs of the four modernizations, improving the teaching quality is a task which brooks no delay. 为了满足四个现代化的需要,提高教学质量已是刻不容缓。
Without the participation of intellectuals, the realization of the four modernizations is impossible. 没有知识分子的参加,实现四化是不可能的。
Full of militancy and revolutionary ardour, the people of all nationalities in the country are working hard for the realization of the four modernizations. 全国各族人民意气风发,斗志昂扬,为实现四个现代化而奋战。
We shall simply be resigning ourselves to extinction unless we carry on the four modernizations. 如果不搞四个现代化,我们就只有束手待毙。
Let's pull together for the early realization of the four modernizations. 为了早日实现四个现代化,让我们齐心协力地干吧。
Until the four modernizations are completed we will need these four guarantees at every step. 只要四个现代化没有完成,每走一步,这四个保证都是伴随着的。
Our aim is to realize the four modernizations. 我们的目标是实现四个现代化。
It is impossible to achieve the four modernizations without using our brains and emancipating our minds. 我们搞四个现代化,不开动脑筋,不解放思想不行。
How can we achieve the four modernizations this way? 这样能够搞四个现代化呀?
We believe that our dream of the four modernizations will come true sooner or later. 我们相信实现四个现代化的梦想迟早会实现。
In short, we have laid the material foundation for realizing the four modernizations. 总之,我们还是建立了实现四个现代化的物质基础。
The struggle against economic crime is one way of ensuring that we keep to the socialist road and realize the four modernizations. 打击经济犯罪活动的斗争,是我们坚持社会主义道路和实现四个现代化的一个保证。
We cannot complete the four modernizations without modern. 没有现代科学技术,我们就不可能实现四个现代化。
Realizing the Four Modernizations is a matter of impossibilities without strong Party leadership. 没有党的坚强领导,要实现四个现代化是不可能的。
Stability and unity are a prerequisite to the four modernizations. 安定团结是实现四个现代化的前提。
If only Icould see the realization of the four modernizations. 若是我能看到四个现代化实现该有多好啊!
China's four modernizations include the modernization of national defence. 四个现代化,有个国防现代化。
We are a nation that must adhere to the guiding principle of socialism and four modernizations. 译:我们这个国家必须坚持社会主义和四个现代化的基本方针。
The key to the four modernizations is the modernization of science and technology. 四个现代化,关键是科学技术的现代化。
Under the leadership of the Party, we are sure to realize the four modernizations. 在党的领导下,我们一定会实现四个现代化。
Nothing can stop us from realizing the four modernizations in our country. 什么也不能阻止我们国家实现四个现代化。
He actively plunged himself into the construction of the four modernizations. 他积极的投入到四个现代化的建设中。
Second, the four essential problems to be solved, or the four prerequisites for achieving the four modernizations. 第二部分,讲一讲实现四个现代化必须解决的四个问题,或者说必须具备的四个前提。
Unless this problem is solved, we cannot possibly achieve the four modernizations. 不解决这个问题,不可能实现四个现代化。
The four modernizations in China will be realized sooner or later. 中国的四个现代化迟早会实现。
We lay great hopes on the young people to carry out the Four Modernizations of China. 我们把实现中国的四个现代化的希望寄托在年轻人身上。
Noting can prevent us from realizing the four modernizations. 任何事都无法阻止我们实现四个现代化。
The four modernizations we are striving to achieve are modernizations with Chinese characteristics. 我们要实现的四个现代化,是中国式的四个现代化。
We must realize the four socialist modernizations in the shortest possible time. 我们一定要在尽可能短的时间里实现社会主义四个现代化。
We used to have the ambitious goal of realizing the four modernizations by the end of the century. 我们开了大口,本世纪末实现四个现代化。