I'd like to think I've had a modicum of success. 我倒觉得我取得了一点成绩。
Seeing as Mr Moreton is a doctor, I would assume he has a modicum of intelligence. 既然莫尔顿先生是位医生,我想他应该有点聪明才智。
Banning browsing before breakfast can reintroduce a modicum of civilisation. 早饭前不看手机让我们重新享受些许文明之光。
You need a modicum of programming savvy to create functions, but nothing onerous. 创建函数需要一定的编程经验,但是并不不是很麻烦。
The basic node is shown at top and includes a modicum of core fields. 基本节点显示在顶部,包含少量核心字段。
In practice, developers and users tend to want URIs to embed at least a modicum of semantic information, not only a syntactic form. 在实践中,开发人员和用户喜欢在URI中嵌入一些语义信息,而不只是采用语法形式。
The third command provides a modicum of safety in the shell itself. 第三个命令在Shell中提供了一定的安全性。
The Bubble Room has a translucent bottom half that provides bubble dwellers with a modicum of privacy. 泡泡屋有半透明的底部,能为居住者提供少量隐私。
A modicum of calm cooled his rage now: How could the boy know that he had hidden the ring in the Gaunt shack? 他暴怒的头脑稍稍冷静了一些:那个男孩怎么可能知道他把戒指藏在冈特小屋?
Now that partial nationalisation of the banking system has restored some calm, Asia may see a modicum of confidence restored. 随着银行系统的部分国有化恢复了一些冷静,亚洲或许也会重拾一点点信心。
It is fair to say that Egypt's dogged support for regional peacemaking has been crucial to sustaining a modicum of civility in the Middle East, despite backsliding by nearly everyone else. 公平地说,尽管各方的态度几乎都在倒退,但没有撕破脸皮而大打出手与埃及对地区和平的不懈努力是分不开的。
There was a time when no self-respecting twentysomething Japanese woman with a modicum of style would have been seen out and about in a kimono. 文化的和服曾一度被认为是过时之物而受到日本现代女性的冷遇。然而,时尚之都东京如今又掀起了一股和服热。
Hunger was repeated in every fragment of the small modicum of firewood that the man sawed off; 饥饿在那人锯开的少量木柴的每一片上反复出现;
But with a modicum of self-reflection you should be able to know your own prime time. 但稍微想想,你就应该能够知道你自己的最佳时间。
Had the Americans hanged him themselves, the condemned man might have been treated with a modicum of dignity. 假如是美国人亲手绞死萨达姆,这个罪人或许能死得稍微有尊严一点。
Money market funds saw sizeable outflows in the second quarter as a modicum of appetite for risk returned. 随着风险偏好出现少许回升,货币市场基金在第二季度出现相当大规模的资金流出。
Pending that outcome, the price of equities worldwide will determine whether the international financial system can maintain a modicum of stability as it eases out of its credit crunch, or falls back into another period of angst and turmoil. 在这一结果出现之前,正在逐渐摆脱信贷危机的国际金融体系能否维持些许稳定,抑或是否又落入另外一个焦虑和混乱期,一切将取决于全球股市。
He hardened his heart. In this unjust world, the poor have to be hard hearted to retain their modicum of freedom. 他狠了心,在没有公道的世界里,穷人仗着狠心维持个人的自由,那很小很小的一点自由。
Mr Abe argues that, with the economy returned to a modicum of health, it is time to address issues postponed throughout the post-war period when Japan was primarily concerned with generating fast economic growth. 安倍晋三表示,随着经济出现少许的复苏,目前已经到了解决整个战后时期一直拖延下来的一些问题的时候。二战结束以来,日本主要在关注如何实现经济增长的问题。
On the inflation front, the PMI provided a modicum of good news. 在通胀方面,pmi提供了一些好消息。
There was a modicum of comfort for the government in the latest set of banking figures. 政府在最近银行营业额的走向中得到了些许安慰。
At least new lies indicate a modicum of creativity! 嗨,至少新的谎言也算有点创意吧。
China, the nation with a modicum of sway over Pyongyang, has refused to condemn Kim Jong-il's regime for its March attack on a South Korean warship that killed 46 sailors. That despite the fact that an international inquiry found little doubt that Pyongyang ordered it. 对平壤方面拥有少量影响力的中国,拒绝谴责金正日政权在3月份对一艘韩国军舰发动袭击,导致46名水兵丧生,尽管一项国际调查发现,无疑是平壤方面下令进行的袭击。
If he had a modicum of sense, he wouldn't do such a foolish thing. 如果他稍有头脑,就不会干出这种蠢事。
China's rulers can be excused a modicum of less-than-grammatical gloating after the economic rebound the country has achieved in recent months. 在中国经济近几个月出现反弹后,该国的管理者得意地说点行文可商榷的话是可以原谅的。
They believed that only legal reform could assure a modicum of free competition and a fair distribution of wealth and power among larger and smaller firms. 他们相信,只有进行法律改革才能确保大大小小的公司在一定程度上的自由竞争和财富及权力的公平分配。
All in all, I'm almost to a point that I have figured out how to work and blog and podcast and still keep a modicum of sanity in my life. 总之,我几乎到一个点,我已经知道如何工作和博客和播客,仍然保持些许的理智在我的生活。
I suppose there's a modicum ot comfort m what you say. 我想你说的话有一丝安慰的意思。
But he deserves a modicum of respect. 可一点点尊重还是应该的。
If only a modicum of calm returned to markets, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs should be able to survive. 只要市场能恢复少许平静,摩根士丹利和高盛就应该能够生存下去。