Effects of high-order dispersion and high-order nonlinearity on cross-phase modulational instability 高阶色散和高阶非线性对交叉相位调制不稳定的影响
The result shows: Third order dispersion has no effect on modulational instability. 结果表明:三阶色散对调制不稳定性不起作用;
The modulational instability of one-dimensional broad optical beams in biased two-photon centrosymmetric photorefractive crystals under steady-state conditions has been investigated. 研究了稳态情况下一维宽光束在有偏压双光子中心对称光折变晶体中的调制不稳定性。
Spectrum theory on induced modulational instability in an optical fiber 光纤受激调制不稳定性的谱理论
In this paper, analytical and numerical methods are used to study cross-phase modulational instability. 利用两种方法研究了有源放大器波分复用系统光纤链路中交叉相位调制的不稳定性。
Modulational Instability in Monomode Optical Fibers in the Presence of Fourth Order Dispersion 单模光纤中四阶色散导致的调制不稳定性
Modulational Instability of Dipole-dipole BEC in an Optical Lattice 光晶格中偶极BEC的调制不稳定性
The effect of nonthermal electrons on the modulational instability is complex, it is a nonlinear process, waves which is unstable only between a range of oblique angel of modulation may evolve into solitons at every oblique angel because of the nonthermal electrons. 电子的非等温分布对不稳定性的影响显得很复杂,表现出典型的非线性特征,使得在等温电子分布下不能发生不稳定的小角度调制和大角度调制都变得不稳定。
Because of fourth-order dispersion, cross-phase modulational instability occurs at two spectrum regions in both the normal and the abnormal dispersion regime of fiber. 由于四阶色散的影响,在光纤的正常、反常色散区,交叉相位调制不稳定性均发生在两个频谱区。
Through two-fluid and two-time-scale approximation, the dominating equations, which show the non-linear coupling between high frequency modulational field and the density disturbance of electrons and ions, are obtained. 这组方程描述了高频调制场和电子、离子密度低频扰动之间的非线性耦合。
It shows that, for a power law distribution dusty plasma, the temperature, number densities of ions and electrons have important effect on the modulational instability for dust acoustic waves. 结果表明当尘埃等离子体中尘埃颗粒大小遵循PLD分布时,尘埃声波的调制不稳定性受到电子与离子的温度和数密度的影响。
Both analytic method and numerical method are used to study the cross-phase modulational sideband instability in fiber links with periodical lump amplifiers. 本文通过解析和数值模拟的方法,研究了周期集总式放大链路中,交叉相位调制边带不稳定性。
In compression region, high frequency modulational field radiated by antenna system of moving bodies in ionosphere could influence the density distribution of charged particles. 在压缩区内,飞行体天线辐射出的高频调制场影响等离子体中的电荷分布,而电荷分布的扰动又反过来影响场量。
Effect of Quintic Nonlinearity on Modulational Instability in the Anomalous-Dispersion Regime of Fiber 五次非线性对光纤反常色散区调制不稳定性的影响
In this paper, the effect of quintic nonlinearity on modulational instability in the anomalous dispersion regime of self focusing fiber from extended nonlinear Schrodinger equation is considered. 从带五次非线性项的扩展非线性薛定谔方程出发,重点考虑了五次非线性对常用的自聚焦光纤中反常色散区调制不稳定性的影响。
The result shows: third-order dispersion has no effect on modulational instability, but the group speed of the anti-direction light has. 三阶色散对调制不稳定性不起作用,但反向传输光的群速度却对不稳定性的发生有影响;
The results of numerical calculation show that the density cavitons and electromagnetic solitons which can be detected are excided due to the modulational instability. 计算结果显示,在飞行器的尾区,飞行器上的天线系统可以作为调制不稳定性的激发源,激发出可探测的密度空洞和电磁孤波。
Modulational Instability of Dust Acoustic Waves in a Dusty Plasma with Many Different Dust Grains 含有多种不同尘埃颗粒的等离子体中尘埃声波的调制不稳定性
The Modulational Instability due to high-order dispersion in Link with active amplifiers 有源光纤放大链路中高阶色散致调制不稳定性的研究
The effect of third order and fourth order dispersion on cross phase modulational instability based on extended nonlinear Schrdinger equation is investigated. 以包含了三、四阶色散项的耦合非线性薛定谔方程为基础,重点研究了三、四阶色散对交叉相位调制不稳定性的影响。
A new method was proposed to generate high-quality fundamental soliton pulses in fibers with slowly decreasing dispersion by using modulational instability effects. 报道了色散缓变光纤中利用调制不稳定性产生基本孤子脉冲的方法。此种方法基于连续正弦波信号在色散缓变光纤中被绝热放大演化成孤子脉冲串,孤子脉冲占空比为l:10。
Basis on the linear stability analysis, the modulational instability of dipole Bose-Einstein Condensates ( BEC) in an optical lattice is studied. 利用线性稳定性分析方法,我们研究了光晶格偶极BEC原子系统的调制不稳定性与偶极-偶极相互作用之间的关系。
Modulational Instability in the Region of Minimum Group Velocity Dispersion of Monomode Optical Fibers 单模光纤最小群速度色散波长附近的调制不稳定性
It is shown that as the source of pump wave, the radiation from antenna system could excite an electromagnetic soliton via the modulational instabilities; 结果表明,飞行体上的天线系统可作为调制不稳定性的泵波源,激发起甚强的可探测到的电磁孤波;
It shows that the dust-acoustic wave is modulational stable in this dusty plasma. The unperturbed density of low-temperture ions is the critical factor for the modulational instability. 结果表明,具有2种离子温度且尘埃微粒电荷可变的热尘埃等离子体中尘埃声波是调制稳定的,低温离子未受扰动的数密度是影响尘埃声波调制不稳定性的主要因素。
So we studied the generation of solitons and train of soliton waves by the modulational instability of probe fields in a three-state A-type EIT medium. 我们研究了如何在三能级A型EIT介质中利用探测光场的调制不稳定性产生超慢光孤子与孤子列的问题。
Therefore, we have proposed stabilizing the CEP of ultrashort pulses by use of modulational instability assisted OPA. 在此基础上,我们提出了利用时空耦合调制不稳定性参与的参量过程实现超短脉冲CEP自稳定的方案。
The modulational instability ( MI) is a general phenomenon in the nonlinear systems. 调制不稳定性(ModulationalInstability)是非线性物理中一个普遍的现象。
However, further investigation reveals that the assumption of constant pump beam intensity will bring the depleted effect and the modulational instability ( MI) on pump beam, which can greatly influence the stable propagation of signal beam. 但是进一步的研究表明当泵浦光强为常数时系统会出现泵浦光清空以及泵浦光调制不稳定性,这两种效应又会极大的影响信号孤子光的稳定传播。