In summer, you're busy with sun protection ( aren't you?), while in winter you may seem addicted to moisturizers because your skin gets so dried out and flaky ( this is called "winter itch"). 夏季,你忙于防晒,而在冬天,你似乎沉迷于润肤霜,因为你的皮肤变得如此干燥而脆薄(这种现象被称为“冬令瘙痒”)。
If you're in your20s or30s, doctors say, moisturizers will give you some of the protection you need to keep skin from prematurely aging. 如果你还是20来岁或30来岁,医生说,润肤霜能给你一些必需的保护,使你的皮肤不致早衰。
If skin is normal to dry, look for moisturizers containing alpha hydroxy acids. 如果皮肤是中性到干性的,你要找一找包含AHA果酸的润肤霜。
These powerful substances, found in some antiaging moisturizers, are lauded for helping reduce wrinkles and improve skin tone. 这些强大的物质,可能会在抗衰老滋润品中被发现。它们因为能减少皱纹和促进皮肤强健而被人们赞誉有加。
While you might think anti-aging creams and high-end moisturizers are the key to youthful skin, experts agree that exfoliation is one of the best ways to achieve and maintain a gorgeous complexion. 你也许觉得抗衰老的面霜以及高端护肤品是健康肌肤的关键,但专家认为去角质才是保持完美肤色最好的办法之一。
Not all moisturizers are created equally, and some do not belong on your face. 不是所有的保湿乳液都是一样的,一些就不适合你的肌肤。
A BB, or beauty balm, is in an all-in-one skincare and makeup hybrid that moisturizers, covers blemishes, and contains sunscreen. BB霜是一款兼具护肤和化妆作用的美容产品,可以起到保湿、遮瑕的作用,并且包含防晒成分。
Silk contains amino acids that are very similar to those found in your moisturizers. 丝含有氨基酸,非常类似于在你的保湿霜里发现的东西。
Some of my male friends and co-workers use moisturizers and makeup every day, some even wear jewelry! 我身边的一些男性朋友和同事,每天都使用护肤品和化妆品,有的还佩戴饰品!
My doctor suggests that I use soap-free cleanser and oil-free moisturizers after showering. 我的医生建议我用不含皂的清洁用品,冲澡之后也要擦清爽型的乳液。
Skin moisturizers are advertised as part of morning beauty rituals, slipped in between hair brushing and putting on makeup. 早上化妆需抹保湿霜,这让保湿霜的使用悄悄地成为梳头和上妆之间的必要程序。
Wait five minutes before applying treatment products, moisturizers or cosmetics. 在提出申请前等待治疗产品,保湿剂或化妆品五分钟。
Key compounds under review included vitamins, antioxidants, alpha-hydroxyl acids, moisturizers, pentapeptides and botanicals. 主要成分包括:维生素、抗氧化剂、果酸、湿润剂、胸腺五肽以及植物制剂。
Main components: medicinal Vaseline, natural moisturizers, essential oils, penetrants, vitamin E, etc. 主要成分:药用凡士林、天然保湿剂、香薰精油、渗透剂、维E等。
Rich in proteins, isoflavones and natural moisturizers helps smooth out texture, and brighten tone. 富含大豆蛋白,大豆异黄酮和天然润肤成分,顺滑肌肤纹理,提亮肤色。
If you have dry skin, use oil-based oil moisturizers that have propylene glycol to keep your skin moist. 如果你是干性皮肤,使用油性的润肤霜,它含有丙烯醣质能使你的皮肤保持滋润。
I've spent thousands of dollars on eye creams and lip moisturizers which basically did nothing for me. 我之前已经花了几千美元在眼霜和润唇膏上了,但是一点用都没有。
Electrochemical determination of antioxidants: TBHQ 、 BHA and BHT in vegetable oils Key compounds under review included vitamins, antioxidants, alpha-hydroxyl acids, moisturizers, pentapeptides and botanicals. 电分析法测定植物油中抗氧化剂研究主要成分包括:维生素、抗氧化剂、果酸、湿润剂、胸腺五肽以及植物制剂。
It made with pure, stabilized aloe vera gel, rich moisturizers and humectants; 选用纯正芦荟凝胶制成,富含保湿成分;
Staying hydrated will help with itching and drying skin as well as keeping lotion and moisturizers on the skin, so be sure to drink plenty of water and slather moisturizers so your skin can drink too. 保持肌肤水润有助缓解肌肤瘙痒和干燥,还有助肌肤吸收润肤乳和保湿霜,所以一定要喝很多水,抹大量保湿霜,这样你的肌肤也能“喝”饱水。
Does your man tweeze his eyebrows, trim his pubic hairs or use face moisturizers? 你的丈夫用镊子修眉吗?或者,他修剪阴毛、使用面霜?
Oily skin may not need moisturizers in the first place. 首先油性皮肤可以不需要保湿面霜。
Kinetic analysis of moisture absorption under RH81% and RH43%, and moisture retention under RH43% for Hyaluronic Acid ( HA) and two new types of Chitin moisturizers were studied. 分别研究了透明质酸与两种甲壳素类新保湿剂在RH81%和RH43%时的吸湿动力学特性,以及在RH43%时的保湿动力学特征。