Pushed on in France by progress, it pushed on the monarchies, those loiterers in Europe. 七月王朝在法国受着进步力量的推动,又在欧洲推动那些君主国,那伙行走缓慢的动物。
Gulf monarchies that backed Libya's rebels feel understandably smug, while neighbouring Egypt and Tunisia, fresh from their own political upheavals, are happy to welcome a third revolution next door. 可想而知,海湾地区的酋长国会因曾经支持利比亚反对派而洋洋得意;刚刚经受政变洗礼的邻国,埃及与突尼斯,也自然会为临近国家的第三波革命而欢欣鼓舞。
I hope not: I hope by this time we are all convinced that are publican government, like that of America, may exist without danger or injury to social order, or to established monarchies. 但愿没有:我希望如今我们都相信像美国这样的共和制政府不会危及或损害社会秩序和已建立的君主政体。
The shortage of male offspring had prompted discussions earlier this year by politicians of changing the law to allow a female sovereign, as is the case in many European monarchies. 由于没有子嗣来继承皇位,今年早些时候日本一些政客进行了一次讨论,想要改变日本现行的法律,效法欧洲君主国家允许皇室女性继承王位。
The first of these modes of appropriation, by the government, is characteristic of the extensive monarchies which from a time beyond historical record have occupied the plains of Asia. 那些从史前就占据着亚洲平原的幅员辽阔的君主国,最先采用了这种政府占有方式。
Considering the decades-old special relationship between Washington and Riyadh, a public rebuke would be taken seriously, both inside the regime and by the other family monarchies in the Gulf. 考虑到华盛顿与利雅得之间长达数十年的特殊关系,沙特王室和其他海湾国家王室都会严肃对待公众的指责。
Like marriages between ancient tribes, or dynastic marriages between monarchies, companies are combining not for reasons of strategy but to guarantee succession. 正如古代部落通婚或君主国之间的王室婚姻一样,公司合并不是基于战略原因而是为了得以延续。
It could not have proved a difficult task to a well-organised league of Italian military powers to defend the independence of Italy against the aggression of the great monarchies. 让意大利的军事力量组成一个坚强的联盟以保卫意大利的独立不受大君主国的侵略,这还不能确证就是一项艰巨的任务。
I guess it would have to be the17th century study of the monarchies. 最没劲的&我想应该是17世纪的君主制研究吧。
Metternich responded by forging an alliance among those three monarchies to create a "balance of power" against France. 梅特涅当年通过联合这三个君主国家,以形成一个与法兰西拥有“均势”的联盟。
Over the several centuries that it took for capitalism to replace feudalism, how many times were monarchies restored! 资本主义代替封建主义的几百年间,发生过多少次王朝复辟?
It is merit which they believe they put in power as substitutes for the rascals who are the very essence of monarchies. His notoriety as a rake did not come until his death. 他们相信把权力交给了有道德的人,而不是交给作为君主制基础的流氓恶棍。他作为流氓的恶名是他死后才传开来的。
He's a republican, and hates monarchies. 他是一名共和主义者,憎恨君主制。
The aristocratic monarchies of Europe had to match France's state under arms, which naturally resulted in even greater numbers of men killed as massive armies clashed. 欧洲的贵族君主国必须与武装起来的法国战斗,大量的军队交锋自然导致了更多数量的人死亡。
This is a first for the Gulf monarchies& bar a woman in the nearby kingdom of Bahrain who stood unopposed in a tiny constituency; 这是海湾君主制中的首例&阻挠一名在巴林附近的一个小小选区中没有反对者的女性;
Overthrowing the dictatorships and monarchies of the Middle East was long his central goal, but the Arab revolutions were not the kind he had envisioned. 推翻中东的绝对的独裁和专制是他的梦寐以求的目标,但是阿拉伯的反抗出乎他的意料。
The head of the monarch is a king or a queen. It cleared away a number of monarchies. 国王或女王是君主政体的首脑。它清除了好几个君主政体。
I have never been an enemy of monarchy; on the contrary, I consider monarchies essential for the wellbeing of new nations. 我从来不反对君主政体;正相反,我认为君主政体对新国家的健康发展是必不可少的。
The cruelty of the ancient Chinese monarchies and the instrumentalization of men in agreement with it are to a certain extent the realistic outcome of his thought. 中国君主专制政治的苛酷专断及与之相一致的人的工具化、手段化。在某种程度上正是韩非思想的现实结果。
Third, the monarchies abandoned the tradition of agricultural economy and took the policy of mercantilism to promote overseas trade, colonial expansion and the original capital accumulation. 三是封建君主一反农本传统,采取重商主义政策,借以促进海外贸易和殖民扩张,鼓励资本原始积累。
Although short duration, but it just happened in feudal monarchies in jeopardy, and event processing has been extended to the new government, it must be stage a complex set of social contradictions and problems. 干草会事件虽然持续时间短暂,但它恰恰发生在封建帝制岌岌可危之时,且事件的处理一直延续到民国政权的上台,深入考虑则隐含着复杂的社会矛盾和问题。