That sort of romantic attitude cuts no ice with money-men. 那种不切实际的态度对金融家们根本不起什么作用。
It is easy to conjure up visions of Wall Street money-men huddled at a country club concocting the real-estate bubble. 你的脑中很容易浮现出这样一幅画面:华尔街金融家们聚在一所乡村俱乐部里,共同策划房产泡沫。
Successful money-men do not and cannot take into account the human victims of the collateral damage resulting from market crises. 成功的金融家不能或者不愿考虑市场危机给受害者带来的连带危害。
When it comes to the money-men, MacIntyre applies his metaphysical approach with unrelenting rigour. 在谈到金融家的时候,麦金泰尔用决不妥协的坚定力量运用其形而上学途径。
But skilful money-men, MacIntyre argues, want to transfer as much risk as possible to others without informing them of its nature. 但麦金泰尔说,老练的金融家希望尽可能地把风险转嫁给他人,同时不告诉人家真相。