I'm all for moneyless society, but if we start doing everything via the internet, we'll miss out on the human element. 我都是为了贫困群体(这句话很奇怪,但是找不出其他翻译),但是如果我们做任务事情都通过网络,我们会失去人文因素。
A moneyless man goes fast through the market 一个没钱的人很快穿过市场
Virtually moneyless rural regions. 实际上贫穷的农村地区。
If because of moneyless you have to haggle over every ounce for every little thing all days, how could you be a happy person? 如果因为清贫,你整天要为鸡毛蒜皮的小事斤斤计较,你还怎么能是幸福的人呢?