I'll start him on monism if I can. Norton's another monist-only he affirms naught but spirit. 我如果能够,倒想跟他谈谈一元论;诺尔屯也是个一元论者&不过他只肯定精神,对其他的一切都怀疑。
He'll talk Nietzsche, or Schopenhauer, or Kant, or anything, but the only thing in this world, not excepting Mary, that he really cares for, is his monism. 但在世界上他真正关心的只有他的一元论,别的他都不放在心上,包括圣母玛利亚在内。
I'm going to get them started on monism if I can. 如果能办到我就设法让他们谈一元论。
Long before the school of materialistic monism arose, the ground was removed so that there could be no foundation. 在唯物的一元论学派出现以前很久你们那根据早就被挖掉了,早没了基础。
Of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of monism. 属于、关于哲学上一元论的。
The traditional theoretical system of monism can not take a thorough criticism on exploitation. 传统的“一元论”的理论体系对剥削的批判是很不彻底的;
Everything is of the same sort: I'll call this'being monism '. 所有均一样:我称之为一元论。
Now I think the first reaction to my sketch of this problem is that his real allegiance is to neither monism nor dualism and that we should really see him as a wholeist. 对此问题描述的第一个反应,是他的忠诚,不是对一元论或,二元论,必须视他为全部者。
Epoch Crisis in the Controversy between International Law and Municipal Law A Reflection on Approaches of Monism and Dualism 国际法与国内法关系论争的时代危机&对一元论和二元论进路的反思
Traditional marriage idea has been impacted, from conservative to open, from monism to pluralism. 传统的婚姻受到猛烈的冲击,中国人的婚姻呈现出从保守到开放、从一元到多元的变化。
Nietzsche associates this monism and many of the related view we'll examine with Heraclitus, so from philosophy of the tragic age of the Greeks. 尼采将一元论与很多相关观点,联系,等下检验赫拉克利特,从希腊悲剧时代的哲学看。
In classical economics, Ricardo school insisted on the typical Labour Value Monism. 古典经济学中,李嘉图学派坚持典型的劳动价值论一元论。
So here the being monism is used to refute value dualism, understanding the latter as by definition positing being dualism. 一元主义被用来反驳二元,通过定义来了解后者,设想形成二元主义。
In the theories on the relation of international law and municipal law, there is monism and dualism which can get supports from practices separately. 在国际法与国内法的关系问题上,存在着一元论和二元论。
On the Monism of Illegal and the Relativity of Illegal of Illegal Judge in Japanese Criminal Law 日本刑法中违法性判断的一元论与相对论述评
Since mankind has fallen, this response is what Paul calls "the elementary things of this world." It is committed to autonomy of man, and to monism. 人类既已堕落,这回应(文化)就在核心坚持人的自主,坚持「一元论」,就是保罗所称的「世上的小学」。
It, moreover, avoids all imputation of monism, and the manner in which it conceives of immanence harmonizes excellently with Catholic teaching. 它,而且能够避免所有归责的一元论,并以何种方式重新构思的内在协调好与天主教教学。
So the pluralism by itself, I think, doesn't pose a threat to my account of Nietzsche's monism. 多元主义,我认为不存在威胁,对我所阐释的尼采的一元论。
An ideological study as a pre-solution of materialist monism; He put in something about the-Supernal Oneness. 他说一点天上的一元论。
Xu zhimo's poems are characterized by western romanticism in the form, while traditional Chinese monism in thoughts. 摘要徐志摩的新诗在形式上具有西方浪漫主义诗歌的特征,但在思维方式上却体现了中国传统的一元模式。
Dualism and monism are two major schools of thought that attempt to resolve the mind – body problem. 二元论和一元论是两个主要的尝试解决心身问题的思想流派。
The unification of China could be traced back to the world view of Monism by Laozi. 中国天下一统观念发端于老子的一元论世界观。
Studied on The Teaching Method of the Geographical View of Monism 一元论地理观的理论与教学方法探讨
He embraces the heterodox idea of monism, sometimes called animist materialism or vitalism, which is essentially a denial of any distinction between the body and the soul. 他赞同一元论的异端观点,一元论也叫做万物有灵论或者生机论,强调肉体和灵魂没有界限。
However, the classical forum of epistemological Monism at the present time is known as Absolutism. 然而,古典论坛认识论的一元论在目前的时间是被称为专制。
This attack on opposite values has been widely noticed but it may be more controversial to claim that Nietzsche intends to replace it with a monism about values. 对相反价值的攻击已被,广泛注意,但声称他试图用有关,价值的一元论来取代,是争议的。
Now as mysticisms must be this is both very hard to spell out and very hard to refute. It's difficult to state this value monism in a way that seems coherent. 神秘主义必须如此,但很难,讲清和反驳,以连贯方式声称,价值一元论是很难的。
In establishing these facts one does not intend to ridicule the doctrines of materialistic monism and to qualify them as nonsense. 对于这些事实的认定,并不是要嘲笑唯物的一元论的那些学说,而把它们形容?胡说。
It is impossible for us to develop our theory if we adhere stubbornly to monism. 价值论发展兼听则明,偏信则暗,固守价值一元论不可能发展价值理论;
For Jung, dualism and monism were not mutually contradictory and exclusive, but complimentary aspects of reality. 作为容格,二元论和一元论并不是互相地对立和排外的,而是实相的连续外貌。