
n.  独异点



  1. Graph representations of a free Clifford monoid and a free semilattice with identity
  2. This paper has firstly defined the factor struture M/ P ( M) of commutatiuely residual monoid M by its sub-monoid P ( M), then we have studied its properties and given out some isomorphism theorem.
  3. In this paper, an infinite family of graphs which possess a regular endomorphism monoid is presented, and the corresponding enumeration of the endomorphisms is deduced.
  4. In this paper, we propose a reduced linear representation of such distribution based on the formal power series on free monoid which can be easily used to calculate the probability distribution.
  5. In this paper, the definitions of fuzzy tree automata and fuzzy context-free tree grammars are extended to a more general lattice-ordered monoid.
  6. Some Studies about Affine Algebraic Regular Monoid and Affine Regular Monoid Scheme
  7. A graph is called weakly s-arc transitive if the endomorphism monoid acts transitively on the s-arc ( s> 1).
  8. Finally, it is proved that a commutative monoid can be constructed by every generalized a-associative BCH-algebra.
  9. In the paper we mainly study the nilpotency of the syntactic monoid of a language. A necessary and sufficient condition for the syntactic monoid of a language to be nilpotent is given and consequently the structure of languages whose syntactic monoid are nilpotent is completely determined.
  10. It is proved that the set of strongly left singular languages which are also right singular with { 1} forms a free submonoid of a language monoid.
  11. The definition and properties of commutative weakly left PSF monoids are introduced, and furthermore a kind of special monoid which all weakly flat acts are flat are discussed.
  12. Let M be a commutative Monoid, G a commutative group and D a M graded field.
  13. A self-mapping is defined in the partially ordered BCH-algebra, it is proved that a commutative monoid may be constructed by the set made in product of finite self-mappings about product of mapping, And properties of inverse elements of the commutative monoid are researched.
  14. Let ( S, ≤) be a strictly totally ordered monoid, and M and N be left R modules.
  15. The following essay is originated from the basic concept Fuzzy Point, which defines the Fuzzy groupoid, Fuzzy semigroup, Fuzzy monoid as well as Fuzzy group. It also discusses both the essential characteristics on Fuzzy group and its relations with its λ-cut set.
  16. In this paper, the monoid of transformations M may be explained to be a semi-order set, and two submonoids of M are constructed.
  17. Let S be a monoid.
  18. Let be a commutative ring and a strictly totally ordered monoid.
  19. A finite commutative special Thue system and its word problem are discussed. It is proved that a finite commutative special Thue system is a product of a finite group and a monoid;
  20. In [ 19], Li has studied fuzzy automata theory with truth values in the more general structure: lattice-ordered monoid, and set the formal models of computing with words on the lattice-valued fuzzy automata.
  21. It also proves that the equivalent class of full template dependencies constitutes a monoid. Consequently, it proves that the class of full joined dependencies is essentially identical with the class of full template dependence.
  22. Finally it is proved that the set M ( X), all maximal prefix codes over X is a free monoid.
  23. Buntings are the biggest monoid of migratory bird.
  24. In this paper we give the following results: ( 1) Every group is a syntactic monoid of language X with X being a maximal strong code;
  25. Inverse Automata and Inverse Monoid: Sch ü tzenberger-Graphs of a Semilattice with Identity
  26. Graphs with Strong Endomorphism Monoid being the Union of Groups
  27. Therefore, the study of the relationships of some kinds of automata with truth-values in a lattice-ordered monoid and the study of the algebraic properties of their languages form two very important subjects in fuzzy automata theory.
  28. Two structure theorems of the translation hull of Rees matrix semigroups over an inverse monoid are obtained by maps, which are the generalizations of the known results over groups.
  29. The integral matrix representation of the endomorphism monoid of a graph has been given by the method of the algebraic topology, some simple properties of the integral matrix semigroup have been discussed.
  30. Three monoid of bamboo grove soil microorganism showed evident season variation.