The conclusion is drawn out that the government should valorize the natural monopolist products to inspirit the downstream enterprises to reduce the cost. 通过分析指出,政府应该保持自然垄断产品价格的相对稳定,以激励下游企业发挥主动性,降低成本。
It made the strangest antitrust cases of recent years – the US government and the European Commission rushing to the aid of an emerging monopolist. 此案成为近年来最奇怪的反垄断案件之一&美国政府和欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)竟然急着去帮助一家正在崛起的垄断企业。
In economics jargon, Amazon is not, at least so far, acting like a monopolist, a dominant seller with the power to raise prices. 用经济学术语说,亚马逊并没有,至少现在还没有,像典型的垄断企业那样运作,即卖家利用市场控制力来提高价格。
When there are only positive network effects, the optimal fulfilled-expectations contract can enhance the profit of the monopolist who sells customized bundles of the copyrighted information goods. 研究表明,当仅存在正网络效应时,垄断公司可以通过制定最优可实现预期定制捆绑合同来增加自身的利润。
Roads are made, streets are made electric light turns night into day to not one of those improvements does the land monopolist contribute, and yet by every one of them the value of his land is enhanced 公路建好了,街道建好了电灯把夜晚变成了白天土地垄断者对所有这些改善完全没有贡献,然而它们中的每一条都提升了他土地的价值
Draw the demand, marginal-revenue, and marginal-cost curves for a monopolist. 画出垄断者的需求曲线、边际收益曲线和边际成本曲线。
But another key factor was that he faced a monopolist with massive political power. 但另外一个关键原因在于,他面对着拥有巨大政治力量的垄断势力。
To not one of those improvements does the land monopolist 土地垄断者对所有这些改善完全没有
Why is a monopolist's marginal revenue less than the price of its good? 为何垄断者的边际收益低于其产品价格?
Suppose that a natural monopolist were required by law to charge average total cost. 法律要求自然垄断者的产品定价等于平均总成本。
In this paper we relax this assumption, and apply this mathematical technique to study the profit-maximization pricing of a multi-product monopolist. 本文放松这个假设求得非负解的充分条件,并应用至多产品独占厂商利润极大化定价的探讨。
Although it has some power in the market, the ACP is no monopolist, able to hold the world's shipping lines to ransom. 虽然运河管理局在市场上有一定权力,但它并不是垄断者,可以凭这条世界航运通道来要挟。
The waging intense contention with Russia so as to wrest the key region extending from Balkan via the middle east, Caucasus to the Central Asia and to lay a foundation for its monopolist position in the21st century. 美国为夺取从巴尔干到中东、高加索到中亚这一关键地带,奠定其21世纪霸主地位,正与俄罗斯展开着一场剧烈的争夺战。
The competitors will benefit hugely if they can find a way to raise prices; not to$ 23m, perhaps – but to the level a monopolist would charge. 如果竞争双方能够找到提价的方式,他们就会大幅受益;或许不用提到2300万美元,但会达到垄断者的定价水平。
When China Unicom introduced the iPhone in October last year, becoming the only legal channel for the handset in China, it seemed to count on the device as a wonder weapon for poaching subscribers from former monopolist and dominant market leader China Mobile. 联通去年10月推出iPhone,成为这种手机在中国的唯一合法销售渠道。当时联通似乎把iPhone当作从昔日的垄断者、如今的市场领先者中国移动(ChinaMobile)那里挖走用户的神奇武器。
The other 97.8 per cent goes to consumers, partly because competitors soon catch on, and partly because no company, even a monopolist, can charge each consumer a price reflecting her individual willingness to pay. 其它97.8%则造福了消费者,部分原因是竞争对手们很快就赶了上来,还有部分原因是没有一家公司、哪怕是垄断企业,向每位消费者收取的价格能够与其个人愿意付出的数额相符。
Saudi Arabia is one of the most important countries in the middle east, and it has always taken the leading role in the oil policy transformation of the international petroleum monopolist opec. 作为中东地区重要国家之一,沙特阿拉伯亦是石油输出国组织(欧佩克)的主要成员,在国际石油市场拥有举足轻重的地位。
The firms under the monopoly structure often have more strength of innovation than those under other structures. Whether the monopolist has the motive to innovate becomes the research focus on the relationship between the monopoly and the innovation. 垄断结构下的企业通常比其他结构下的企业有实力创新,而是否有创新的动力则成为垄断与创新关系研究的焦点。
At the same times, in the research of discrimination pricing decision, we studies the two-degree and third-degree pricing discrimination decision of monopolist under common uncertain demand and two-phase pricing model. 本文同时还对一般不确定条件下对厂商常采用二度价格歧视以及两阶段定价模型基础上对三度价格歧视作了进一步的研究,针对对三度价格歧视给出了应用实例。
YKK is the outstanding one in the world zipper trade, are leader and monopolist even more. YKK拉链是世界拉链行业中的佼佼者,更是领导者和垄断者。
The Revelation and the Effect of the Upstream Monopolist on the R& D Investment of the Downstream Enterprise 上游垄断对下游企业R&D投入的效应分析与启示
Under the condition of a constant delivery period of monopolist manufacturer, this paper studies the product price and profit problems, using linear demand function, before and after the vertical merger of monopolist manufacturer and monopolist retailer. 本文在垄断厂商供货周期确定的条件下,利用线性需求函数研究了垄断厂商与垄断销售商垂直兼并前后的产品价格和利润问题。
The introduction defines the two terms of telecom and telecom industry used below, and then points out that the existing market structure of China telecom industry is still highly monopolist and need changing. 引言中首先对文中使用的电信和电信业这两个概念作出界定,然后指出中国电信业现有市场格局仍处于高度垄断之中,亟待改进。
Chongqing Mobile Communication Company Limited is a special enterprise, which has been changed from a monopolist to a market competition participator. 电信运营业是一个较特殊的行业,重庆移动经过了重庆电信业的两次分拆,已经由一个移动通信业务的垄断者变成了一个市场竞争参与者。
This paper analyzes the effect of price discrimination on the extraction of non-renewable resources and finds that when a monopolist extracts non-renewable resources for several markets, price discrimination may result in extraction deviation from the optimized path. 文章分析了价格歧视对不可再生资源开采的影响,结果发现,当资源的垄断开采者面向多个市场时,价格歧视因素可能使资源开采偏离最优路径。
Being an international petroleum monopolist, the market strategy of OPEC has a great influence on the international oil supply. 作为一个国际石油卡特尔,欧佩克的市场战略对国际石油供应影响巨大。
For a two-tier market structure included of one downstream monopolist and some upstream oligopolists, an income and two cost allocation mechanisms are put forward for a R D cooperation mode in which upstream and downstream firms invest and the downstream monopolist carries on a R D project. 针对有一个下游垄断企业和多个上游寡头企业组成的二层市场结构,对上下游投资、下游研发的合作模式提出了一种收益分配机制和两种成本分担机制。
This dissertation will relax this full information assumption and studies the dynamic pricing problem of a monopolist retailing firm with finite inventory in the presence of model uncertainty. 本文放松了这一完全信息假设,研究了单个零售企业在模型不确定下如何对有限库存进行动态定价以使期望收益最大的问题。
This article consider the defensive leveraging theory provide a plausible reason to explain why monopolist take advantage of leverage. 本文认为防御性杠杆理论较为合理地解释了垄断企业利用杠杆作用的原因。
Three basic factors affecting monopolist motivation are the degree of innovation improvement, production cost and demand. 总之,影响垄断者创新采用的三个基本因素分别为:创新的程度、生产成本和需求。