Traditional religions embody such concepts as monotheism, animism, vitalism, spirit and ancestor worship, witchcraft, and sorcery and vary widely among ethnic groups; none is formalized. 传统宗教包括一些观念,像一神论、万物有灵论、生机说、敬奉祖先、魔法和巫术,因不同的民族有所差异。
Some scholars believe Akhenaten's monotheism, a historic first, inspired the Hebrew prophets, but it had the more immediate effect of freeing Egypt's artists. 有些学者认为阿肯纳坦倡导的一神论历史上前无古人的做法启发了希伯来先知,但它对埃及的艺术发展则有更为直接的影响。它解放了埃及艺术家。
As the first ethical monotheism in the world, Judaism emphasizes the great influence of ethics on belief. 作为世界上最早的伦理&神教,犹太教十分强调伦理道德对于信仰的相辅相成的作用。
As well as giving an elegant summary of modern thinking about religion, Mr Wade also offers a brief, provocative history of monotheism. 在优雅总结了宗教的当代研究之余,韦德先生还对一神论历史上的一些著名公案给出了他的一些看法。
The history of religion credits Judaism for ethical monotheism, where God was one God who created us in his image. 宗教历史赞扬犹太教合乎道德的一神主义,神就是那位按著?形象创造我们的神。
We are acquiring an understanding of the history of monotheism. 我们最近在了解“一神教”的历史。
The Confucian monotheism, deviating from the Neo-Confucian tradition on some fundamental points of cosmology and values, constituted a new trend of thought together with the Western theological philosophy introduced by missionaries. 儒家一神论在宇宙观及价值观的根本点上背离了新儒家道统,它与传教士输入的西方神哲学体系共同构成了一个新的思想统绪。
Judaism came into being in accordance with monotheism. Every nation has its own peculiar character. 犹太民族是因一神教而诞生的民族。每一个民族都有其独特的民族性。
Scientists have identified Akhenaten, the "heretic" king who introduced monotheism to ancient Egypt, as Tutankhamun's father. 科学家认定,图坦卡蒙的父亲就是被称为“异教徒”的埃赫那顿法老。埃赫那顿将一神论引入了古埃及。
Confucian monotheism and its position 儒家一神论及其定位问题
As an ethical monotheism, Judaism must give up the confirmation of knowledge of the Unique God and adopt the moral proof for the existence of the Lord. 犹太教是一种伦理一神教,这决定了它必然放弃对上帝的知识论态度,转而使用实践理性去确证上帝的存在。
However, this critic approach tends to eliminate or neglect the connotation of sex in order to criticize the desires for consumption and power, all of which may result in the sex confrontation and the monotheism of evaluation in regard to societal construction. 然而,为了达到对消费欲和权力欲的批判,女性主义广告批评却出现了去除或忽视性别内涵的批评趋势,造成性别对立和社会建构论的单一评价标准。
The system of the Abraham religious holds that monotheism is the highest stage in the development of the faith, it is worth considering. 亚伯拉罕宗教系统认为,一神信仰是信仰发展的最高阶段,这值得参考;
When newborn empires and monotheism end the era of tribal society, states come into being and become the supreme form of communities, ethnic groups and various religious ethical culture. 而当帝国和一神教的出现结束了部落时代的时候,国家即成为社会、族群和各种宗教伦理文化的最高形式。
The God of Socrates was the intermediary of the transformation from polytheism to monotheism. 苏格拉底的神是多神教向一神教转变的中介。
The development of religion from fetishism and polytheism to dualist religion and monotheism. 上古宗教经历了从原始拜物教、多神教经二元神教的过渡向一神教的发展历程。
The worship of human beings can be summed up in three points: natural world 、 human beings and reality, and correspondingly, the religions of human beings have undergone three forms: polytheism 、 monotheism and high religion. 人类的崇拜形式可以归结为自然界、人本身以及绝对实在,相对应人类的宗教也经历了多神教、一神教和高级宗教三种形式。
The religion absorbed the core of ancient Greek and Roman cultures and it's an embodiment of classical tradition. The rise of Christian culture was also the result of the victory of monotheism over polytheism. 它吸收了古希腊罗马文化的基本精神,是古典传统的体现者,同时,基督教文化的兴起是一神教文化战胜多神教文化的结果。
To trace it to its source, it results from the difference between the monotheism in the north and the poly theism in the south. 究其根源,则是由于北方一神崇拜与南方多神崇拜差异所导致的必然结果。
It is shown that the background of Judaism, especially monotheism and tradition of Hebrew prophet, has an important influence on the construction of critical theory. 突显霍氏犹太教信仰背景对批判理论的影响,特别是独一神信仰和犹太先知传统。
The logic clue is about the dispute between monotheism and pantheism, polytheism and idol worship. 逻辑线索即为一神与泛神、多神、偶像崇拜之争。
Besides that, the conflict between pantheism in Japanese traditional culture and monotheism in western Christian Faith is one of the important issues in his literary works. 笃信天主教的远藤周作,一生都在探讨天主教神学与文学之间的关系问题,日本文化传统中的泛神论思想与西方基督教崇信的一神论思想之间的对立冲突也是其文学创作中的重要课题之一。
It is closely combined with Jewish rites, reverting back to the history, reiterating the commandments, and maintaining the pure religious institution of monotheism. 它与犹太教的礼拜仪式紧密结合在一起,回溯历史,重申诫命,维护纯正的一神信仰。
In order to keep and let other ethnic groups accept their monotheism, the Christian leader faced how to explain the confusion of monotheism thinking, at last, they solved this problem by using some plots. 当时的基督教领袖们为了保持并让别的民族也接受他们的一神信仰,他们面临着如何阐释这种一神信仰的思想的困惑,最终他们运用某些策略解决了这种困惑。
Judaism can only be ethical monotheism. Man believes in God and at the same time believes in himself. Life is filled with freedom of choice and moral responsibility. 犹太教只能是伦理的一神论,人信仰上帝,同时信仰人自身,生命充满了选择的自由和道德的责任,人在对上帝的爱中得到精神上的永恒。