N-COUNT 卫星 A moon is an object similar to a small planet that travels around a planet.
...Neptune's large moon. 海王星的大卫星
VERB 虚度光阴;懒散度日;闲逛 If you are mooning around, you are spending time doing nothing in particular, for example because you feel unhappy or lazy, or are worried about something.
Lettie was mooning around all morning, doing nothing... 莱蒂混了一上午,什么也没干。
My working days were spent mooning round his department, trying to sneak a chance encounter. 上班时我在他的部门转来转去,暗中寻找巧遇他的机会。
对…露出光屁股 If you moon at someone, you turn your back to them and show them your bare bottom.
PHRASE 千载难逢;百年不遇 If you say that something happens once in a blue moon, you are emphasizing that it does not happen very often at all.
Once in a blue moon you get some problems. 极少会碰到麻烦。
非常高兴;乐翻了天;狂喜 If you say that you are over the moon, you mean that you are very pleased about something.
Lettie was mooning around all morning, doing nothing 莱蒂混了一上午,什么也没干。
My working days were spent mooning round his department, trying to sneak a chance encounter. 上班时我在他的部门转来转去,暗中寻找巧遇他的机会。
He too had fallen in love, mooning and carrying on about the beautiful Henry girl, and sending her atrocious poems. 他也爱上了她,神魂颠倒,疯疯癫癫地围着这享利家的漂亮姑娘转,送给她好些糟糕透顶的情诗。
My mooning and unworldliness didn't fool him for a minute. 我表现出来的稀里糊涂和不谙世故的样子丝毫骗不了他。
Or chanting when under duress, Im not a loser. Yet when she isnt mooning or abasing herself to win the attention of a handsome fellow intern, she shows off a preternatural self-possession, the girl with all the answers. 或者在受欺负时念咒我不是个失败者然而当她毫不费力的赢得了英俊的实习生的注意时,她又展现出了异常的沉着,这个女孩有着所有的答案。
After years of Ross mooning over Rachel, she finally found out that he was in love with her. 在罗斯暗恋瑞秋多年后,这个傻丫头终于发现了。
I wish you'd stop mooning about and do something useful! 但愿你不要再游手好闲了,做点有益的事情吧!
Aunt Sally she stuck to the sick-room all day and all night, and every time I see Uncle Silas mooning around I dodged him. 萨莉阿姨整天整夜呆在病人的房间里。每逢西拉斯姨父没精打采走过来,我马上就躲到一边去。
He is still mooning over her. 他还在痴痴地想着她。
Anyhow that was better than just mooning yourself into the grave. 无论如何那总比打着哈欠等死为上呢。
Unintentionally mooning our lovable international flatmate who has a tendency of just walking into people's rooms, sadly this also happened during a period where my room wouldn't lock from the inside. 某个不幸的早上,我们某个有进入别人房间倾向的可爱国际舍友进入了我没反锁的房间。
She was always mooning over that bloke. 她老是精神恍惚地想念那小子。
She spent the whole summer mooning about at home. 她一夏天都在家中混日子。
He is no longer mooning round the house. 他不再在那房子四周闲荡了。
Mooning is a typical prank among college students. 故意在窗口露出臀部,是大学生典型的闹剧之一。
She spent the day mooning aBout her lost love. 她整天都在痴痴地想她失去的爱情。
He's been mooning over those holiday photos all afternoon. 他整个下午呆呆地看着那些假日里拍的照片。
Because of the bad weather, he had nothing to do last weekend, except mooning about the house. 由于天气不好,他在上个周末没有甚麽事情可做,只是在屋内百无聊赖。
He seems to take to mooning about a great deal these days. You'd better have a talk with him. 这些天来他似乎有些精神恍惚。你最好和他谈谈。
Mary must still be in love with her black-haired boy; all that she's done since he left her is mooning about& it's pitiful, really. 玛丽肯定还在爱着那个黑头发的小伙子;自从他离去后她就一直精神恍惚真是可怜。
There can be no mooning and spooning about it. I mean to marry money. 我不会浪费时间去谈情说爱,我就是为了钱而结婚。