N-UNCOUNT 月光;月色 Moonlight is the light that comes from the moon at night.
They walked along the road in the moonlight... 他们在月光下沿路散步。
We went to the temple of Atlantis and saw it by moonlight. 我们去了亚特兰蒂斯神殿,在月光下游览了一番。
VERB 兼职,从事第二职业(尤指不为专职工作的老板和税收部门所知) If someone moonlights, they have a second job in addition to their main job, often without informing their main employers or the tax office.
...an engineer who was moonlighting as a taxi driver... 兼职开出租车的工程师
Workers in state enterprises were permitted to moonlight. 国有企业职工可以兼职。
She moonlights as a waitress to pay her tuition. 她靠兼职做女侍应生来支付学费。
At the same time, the moon has just rises from the east, its silver moonlights reflecting the Jinma Archway, casting the inverted image to the west street. 同时,月亮则刚从东方升起,银色的光芒照射金马坊,将它的倒影投到西边街面上;
'Having dollars is like a barricade,'says Arnaldo Morales, a cay who moonlights as a currency trader, buying dollars from travelers as they enter the country, then selling them to Venezuela. 莫拉雷斯(ArnaldoMorales)是该国一名出租车司机,私下倒卖外汇。他从访问委内瑞拉的游客那里买入美元,然后再将美元出售给当地人。他说,持有美元就像是有了堵防护。