Gartner analysts provide interesting insights around the concept of differing application management mores for different kinds of applications. Gartner分析师围绕为不同类型的应用程序使用不同的应用程序管理习惯这一概念提供了一些有趣的见解。
But even as social mores shift, relatively few young Indians, including those who demand more of a say in their marriages, are straying too far from tradition. 不过,尽管印度的社会习俗在改变,但是远远偏离传统的年轻人仍相当少,那些要求对自己的婚姻拥有更多发言权的人也不例外。
He thinks the gender differences his team found may have to do with social mores in the 1930s, when the personality assessments were conducted. 他认为,其团队发现的性别差异,可能与上世纪30年代进行这项个性评估时的社会风气有关。
Though many of the students, especially those from China, aren't religious, they look favorably on the Christian schools 'conservative social values, which mesh with classical Chinese Confucian mores, Mr. Phillips said. 菲利普斯说,虽然许多在美读高中的亚洲学生、特别是来自中国的学生并不信仰宗教,但他们却看重基督教学校保守的社会价值,这种价值与中国传统的儒家思想更为契合。
The Mutual Benefit Principle and Mercenary Marriage in Modern Society& An analysis to the problem of bride-price in Zheng Ning s Marriage Custom; At the same time, changing social mores and expectations have placed stresses on long-term relationships. 当代社会与互惠、双赢原则下的买卖婚俗&试析正宁婚俗中的彩礼问题与此同时,变化的社会习俗和人们对婚姻的期望值也在使人们开始重视长期的婚姻关系。
Advertising reflects the mores of society, but it does not influence them. 广告反映社会的风俗人情,却不能影响它们。
I hate when you make me laugh, even mores when you make me cry. 我痛恨你让我发笑,我更痛恨你让我哭泣。
I'm speaking to a set of Cultural Praxis and mores. 我所说的是一系列文化风俗。
At the same time, changing social mores and expectations have placed stresses on long-term relationships. 与此同时,变化的社会习俗和人们对婚姻的期望值也在使人们开始重视长期的婚姻关系。
In simple terms, the group process leads to a spirit of cooperation, coordination and commonly understood procedures and mores. 简单来说,团队工作程序代表了合作精神,协调能力和对规程的常识性理解等等方面。
China, or any other state, has the right to take action against content it feels offends against its social and cultural mores. 中国与任何别的国家一样,都有权采取行动,抵制它觉得冒犯了自身社会与文化习俗的内容。
Much of the latest electronic guidance is sponsored from Saudi Arabia, and so reflects its conservative mores. 大量最新的电子制导系统都是沙特阿拉伯主办的,因此会反映其保守主义观念。
He wrote of the ideas and mores of the time. 他写下了很多当时的社会观点和社会风俗。
The essential element in the mores and in personal morality is consistency. 民风民德,以及个人道德中首要的因素是其连贯性。
This special report will concentrate on those who formally identify with the faith ( see table for the main denominations), but in Israel even the non-religious are influenced by Jewish culture and mores. 本专题报告的讨论会集中在那些公开表示自己信仰犹太教(主要犹太教教派见表)的人士身上,但是在以色列即使那些非信徒还是会受到犹太文化和很多相关事物的影响。
Does this fit with the mores of contemporary society? 这一点是否符合现代社会的道德标准?
If I had to summarize China's new grand strategy, I would do it, Chinese-style, as the Four "Mores": Consume more, import more, invest abroad more and innovate more. 如果要我总结中国的新战略,我将按照中国式的四个“习惯”进行:提高消费,扩大进口,增加海外投资和加大创新。
It was a rich tapestry of culture and mores from which to draw from and it gave my brother and me a multi-faceted perspective at life. 家族成员间的这些差别和特点编织成一条色彩斑斓的文化织锦,让我们可以从中了解不同的习俗,也让我和我兄弟能够从更多的层面去观察和体验生活。
In its streets I feel I am in a city still governed by mores and even manners that are part of global society. 在香港的街道上,我觉得我身处的这个城市,依然遵循着道德和礼仪,这些让它成为全球社会的一部分。
The last thirty years have seen great changes in social mores. 过去三十年在社会习俗上有很大的改变。
They assumed that immigrants would quickly adopt the mores of their host societies. 他们认为,移民会很快入乡随俗,向主流社会靠近。
The critical habit of thought, if usual in society, will pervade all its mores, because it is a way of taking up the problems of life. 思考的批判习惯,如果在社会平常了,那么将体现在社会一切习俗中,因为那是一种对生活问题着手处理的方式。
America is not blind nor indifferent to the problems of poverty, even if its rich and poor increasingly live separate lives in separate neighbourhoods, and with different social mores. 尽管美国的穷人和富人日益在分开的区域内过着不同的生活,并有着不同的社会习俗,美国并不是对贫困问题漠不关心或忽视它们。
The level of house prices depends not just on levels of income but on social mores and the distribution of wealth. 房价水平,不仅取决于收入水平,还取决于社会风俗和财富分配。
But traditional mores hold sway around you, most important in the preference for sons over daughters. 但是传统的观念控制着你,使你偏爱男孩多于女孩。
On Consolidating the Professional Mores and Social Responsibility of Network Editors 强化网络编辑的职业道德与社会责任