The British music scene is nostalgic, decrepit and moribund. 英国音乐呈现出感伤怀旧、暮气沉沉、行将就木的景象。
Imperialism is monopolistic, parasitic and moribund capitalism. 帝国主义是垄断的、寄生的、垂死的资本主义。
Could gates goose the moribund stock price? 盖茨能否推动微软停滞不前的股价?
So-called ultrabooks were supposed to revive moribund PC sales. “超极本”原本被人们寄予厚望,大家都认为它们可以给日益萧条的PC市场打一针强心剂。
To help spur lending, resuscitate America's moribund housing sector, and boost the economy as a whole, the Federal Reserve has aggressively cut interest rates during the past year. 为了帮助人们借贷、重新振兴美国奄奄一息的住房业,进而推动整体经济,美国联邦储备委员会在过去一年已经几次大幅度削减利率。
DOTCOMS may be moribund, but inside companies, the Internet is still finding cost-saving new uses. 网络公司(DOTCOMS)也许即将灭亡,但是在公司内部,因特网仍然是节省成本的新办法。
My students here have assured me that the postcard is not dead in China, just moribund. 我的中国学生向我保证,明信片在中国并没有销声匿迹,只是处于逐渐衰退的状态。
Peugeot, hit hard by the worst European car market for two decades and bleeding cash, says it needs the investment to stay competitive and to reduce its reliance on moribund European markets. 标致遭受了20年来最低迷欧洲汽车市场和烧钱的沉重打击。该公司表示,它需要投资来保持竞争力,并减少对死气沉沉的欧洲市场的依赖。
In South Korea, where the economy hinges on trade, consumers are downright moribund. 在经济严重依赖贸易的韩国,消费完全停滞不前。
The moribund Post Office Advisory Board was replaced. 这个不起作用的邮局顾问委员会已被替换。
The few birds seen anywhere were moribund. 随处看见寥寥无几的鸟儿在垂死挣扎。
Indeed, facing a moribund US and Europe, consumer multinationals are today particularly grateful for their emerging market operations. 的确,在美国和欧洲死气沉沉的今天,消费品跨国公司尤其应该感谢自己的新兴市场业务。
This often-painful economic shock therapy breathed life into moribund economies and produced dramatic improvements in services such as telephones, transportation, electricity and water. 这种往往令人痛苦的经济休克疗法,为濒临崩溃的经济注入了生机,促使电话、运输、电力和供水之类的服务出现明显改善。
For the past 10 years, in centres such as London and New York, the new issue market has been moribund, and so institutional investors almost exclusively trade second-hand shares, rather than providing fresh capital for growing businesses. 过去10年,在伦敦与纽约等中心,IPO市场一直处于垂死状态。因此,机构投资者已几乎只交易二手股票,而不是向成长中的企业提供新资金。
On the verge of becoming obsolete: moribund customs; a moribund way of life. 垂死的,濒死的,即将消灭的;逐渐废弃的;不进步的;呆滞的。
More than four years after the bubble burst, the moribund US housing market has shown signs of life. 在房地产泡沫破裂逾4年后,死气沉沉的美国住房市场显示出几分复苏的迹象。
As they attempted to get over the crisis and kickstart moribund economies, governments in the region embarked on an ambitious privatisation programme that opened up a number of new opportunities and markets for investment bankers. 东南亚各国政府为了挺过这场危机、振兴低迷的经济,纷纷启动雄心勃勃的私有化计划,为投资银行家带来了很多新的机遇,开放了许多新的市场。
The giant star-forming galaxies and voracious black holes of the universe's past are now moribund. 过去在宇宙中形成恒星的巨大星系与狼吞虎的黑洞,现在都处于停滞状态。
Greater equity, after addressing the shortage of Bank net worth, will support more bank lending than currently available, enhance the market value of collateral ( debt as well as equity), and could reopen moribund debt markets. 在解决了银行资本净值短缺的问题后,股本增加将支撑比目前数额更大的银行放贷、提高抵押品(债务以及股本)的市值,还可能重启奄奄一息的债务市场。
Many economists point to America's moribund housing market as a major contributor to the economic downturn. 许多经济学家指出美国没落的房地产市场是导致经济衰退的主要原因。
One form of Chinese pressure on North Korea is a renewed drive to help it reform the moribund economy. 对中国来说,来自朝鲜方面的压力之一就是帮助它改革落后经济所需的新动力。
They go to take care of a thin, moribund dog they see on the street. 他们在街上看到一只骨瘦如柴的流浪狗奄奄一息的样子,便上前照顾它。
But this almost all became moribund hope, it changed back into diem also is black mountain apathy echoes of the just. 但这几乎都成了垂死挣扎的希望,它换回的至多也只是黑色的山峰冷漠的回声罢了。如此的光景的那份冲动。
A bold Chinese initiative could be the last best hope for reviving the moribund Doha talks. 对于奄奄一息的多哈回合谈判,中国的大胆举措可能成为重启谈判最后、最大的希望。
Huge forces and interests were aligned against him, and the moribund economy was in many ways beyond his control. 各种强大势力和利益集团都站出来反对穆尔西。停滞不前的埃及经济在许多方面都超出了他的控制能力。
Can farming save Maine's moribund fishing industry? 农业可以挽救日渐消亡的渔业吗?
Beijing is expected to try to kick-start the moribund IPO market with the sale of state-owned assets. 预期北京将通过出售国有资产,来试图推动死气沉沉的ipo市场。
I feel too alive in this row of moribund girls with their eyes half open. 我觉得自己跟身边这些眼睛半睁的垂死女孩儿相比似乎活力太足了一点。
Scott revived the moribund Roman epic. 这部英雄传奇集战争和爱情于一体,在雷德利·斯科特(导演了《角斗士》)的执导下,一部浪漫的罗马史诗复活了。