People in Hollywood need to do their job and not share their moronic ideas with us. 这帮好莱坞的家伙们拍好电影就完了,不要跟我们分享你们的低能想法了。
There is a new word for the idea of smart people making moronic errors: "disrationalia". 对于聪明人犯低级错误的现象,如今有了一个新词:“理性障碍(disrationalia)”。
I IET you guys out of sight and you deveiop moronic interests. 我让你们到看不到的地方。你们去发展你们的低能兴趣吧。
She has the moronic beauty of youth, but she's sly. 她美得年轻无邪,但是她很狡猾。
If you're not careful you might end up hiring a bunch of moronic mandrills, like I did last year. 万一一不小心,就会搞到一堆低能大狒狒。我去年就碰到这种事了。
In the end, the candidates with the better product were trounced because their opponents, despite having made various moronic errors, had used cheaper ingredients and sold their candles at a higher margin. 最终的结果是,产品更好的候选团队一败涂地,原因是他们的对手尽管曾犯下各种愚蠢错误,却采用了更廉价的原料,销售蜡烛的利润率更高。
Whenever a client makes a moronic suggestion, you always have to say," That's interesting," before ignoring it completely. 无论客户的建议如何不上道,在完全否认之前,都必须先说:「这个意见很有趣。」
He came down here to find investors for that moronic Club of his. 他来这里给他那个白痴俱乐部找投资人。
To fill the hole dug by this moronic policy, the regime had some success improving its food distribution. 为了弥补这一弱智政策所造成的损失,金正日政权对粮食配给进行了改进,也取得了一定的成绩。
Look for moronic online "engagement" gimmicks. 注意在线“互动”这种愚蠢的把戏。
I know, trying to save money in a city that is fueled by the green stuff seems moronic, or does it? 我知道东西似乎是,试着节省由绿色被造成的一个城市里的钱鲁钝,或它吗?