Robotic fish MORRHUIC acid vaginal contraceptive suppository 鱼肝油酸(鱼脂酸)阴道避孕栓的研究
Determination of active constituents in MORRHUIC acid suppository by gas chromatography 鱼脂酸及其避孕栓剂的气相色谱测定
The contraceptive effectiveness of MORRHUIC acid suppository 鱼肝油酸避孕栓的临床疗效分析
A quantitative GC internal standard method was established for the determination of active constituents of morrhuic acid suppository. Esterification condition of fatty acids was optimized by orthogonal design. Recovery and RSD of the method were 98.69% and ± 1.78% respectively. 建立了测定鱼脂酸及其栓剂中有效成份的气相色谱内标法,用正交设计法确定了衍生化条件,方法的回收率和RSD分别为98.69%和±1.78%。