He took the slip from me and put it on the bed, with the other clothes we were taking to the mortician. 妹夫从我手中拿过内衣放在床上,和其他我们要带给殡仪服务人员的衣服放在一起。
Making his way through the bombed-out rubble of Nanjing, American mortician John Miller ( Bale) arrives at a cathedral to attend to a recently deceased priest. 贝尔饰演的殡葬师约翰米勒穿梭在遭受炮火轰炸满目疮痍的南京城,去一家天主教堂出席一位牧师的葬礼。
I am that mortician nigger. 我就是那个搞殡葬的黑鬼。
There's a mortician down the alley. 这条路走下去有个寿衣店。
A mortician who treats corpses with preservatives. 一个用防腐剂处置尸体的殡仪业。
The mortician was surprised to find scars from wounds and a withered leg. 殡仪馆的人惊讶地发现他身上累累的伤疤和萎缩的腿。
I never really wanted to be a mortician. 我其实不相干殡仪这一行。
I gingerly took the skirt from him, and placed it in the pile of clothes that we were taking down to the mortician. 我小心翼翼地从他手里接过裙子,把它放在要送给殡葬承办人的那堆衣服当中。