Mr Morton is undoubtedly cleverer than Mr Kirkby, but he will be hard put to match his popularity. 莫顿先生无疑比柯克比先生更聪明,但他将很难像柯克比先生那样受人欢迎。
Dr. Boris Sidis was a Russian-born psychiatrist who enjoyed considerable prestige; some placed him on a par with Pierre Janet and Morton Prince. 鲍里斯·西季斯医生是一位出生于俄国、素负盛名的精神病学家,有些人认为他堪与皮埃尔·雅内和莫顿·普林斯比肩。
Zoologist Eugene Morton has propounded a general theory of the vocal sounds that animals make. 动物学家尤金·莫顿提出了一个有关动物发声的概括性理论。
Jim Collins: Well, this is probably, when we finish up, writing at this time, Morton and I have been working very hard on pulling it all together. 吉姆·柯林斯:当我们结束之后,我和莫顿都下了很大功夫把书稿整合起来。
Professor David Morton of the department is involved in animal research and is concerned with reducing animal suffering as much as possible. 系里的大卫莫顿教授从事动物研究,并对尽可能地减少动物的痉很关心。
In Professor Morton's laboratory, rabbits live together in large runs, filled with deep litter and boxes that they can hide in. 在莫顿教授的实验室里,大批兔子一起生活,到处是厚厚的干草和箱子供它们躲藏。
After the accident, the driver, Bill Morton, called an ambulance. 事故发生后,司机比尔莫顿打电话叫了救护车。
Fixed the spawn locations for Frog Morton's goons for the enhanced maps. 固定的产卵为增强地图青蛙莫顿的打手地点。
Avanzo and Morton believe this is because sheep, like many humans, behave differently when in a flock compared to when alone. 阿万佐和莫顿认为,绵羊和人类一样,在身处群体和独处时的表现会有所不同。
I ain't trying to& where's morton? 我做不来&莫顿在哪里?
Chelsea Football Club completed the signing of16year-old Danish player Morton Nielsen on thursday. 切尔西足球俱乐部在星期四完成了16岁丹麦球员莫顿-尼尔森的签约。
Lord Morton bred a white mare with a zebra stallion, and when he later bred the same mare with a white stallion, the offspring strangely had stripes in the legs. LordMorton把一匹白色母马和一匹种斑马交配,而后他又将同样一匹母马与一匹白色种马交配,它们的后代奇怪地在四条腿上带有条纹。
I had to kill Bob Morton because he made a mistake. 我杀鲍勃莫顿是因为他犯了个错误。
Sarah Morton: Awards are like hemorrhoids. Sooner or later every asshole gets one. 莎拉·顿:获奖就像是痔疮。迟早每个人都会得。
In Morton's lab, the researcher cuts a small nerve in the foot. 在莫顿的实验室时里,研究者们只切断鼠脚里的一条小神经。
Before we know more about captain Morton's work, you might like to know something about the other people in this story. 在进一步了解乔莫顿队长的工作之前,你们也许想知道这个故事中的其他人物。
From molecules to the planetary scale, Morton's beautifully written book reveals how life is made from light. 从分子水平到全球视角,莫顿的书用优美的文笔揭示了阳光如何孕育生机。
He introduced himself as major Desmond morton. 他自我介绍说他是德斯蒙德莫顿少校。
Oh, miss morton, I understand how you feel! 哦,莫顿小姐,我能够理解你的心情!
In Professor Morton's laboratory, rabbits live together in large runs. 在莫顿教授的实验里,大批兔子一起生活。
Sarah morton: not surprised. it's tiring to kill a man. 莎拉默顿:并不奇怪。杀人是很累的事情。
Pauline Friedman married husband Morton Phillips in1939 and lives in Beverly hills, Los angeles, where she is a wife, mother and grandmother. 波林弗里德曼于1939年嫁给莫顿菲利普斯,现住洛杉机的贝弗利山,在那里做妻子、母亲和祖母。
Keller, Morton. Regulating a New Economy: Public Policy and Economic Change in American, 1900-1933. 1990. 《规范一个新经济:1900-1933年美国公共政策和经济变迁》1990。
His mother explained to him her liberal designs in case of his marrying Miss Morton. 他母亲向他说明在他娶莫顿小姐的情况下为他所作的慷慨的安排。
Morton: There ought to be a way of stopping swindlers like him doing that. 莫顿:应该制定办法防这样的骗子作恶。
I see old Morton has got himself promoted at last. 我看到老莫顿终于被提升了。
For more than a decade Mr Morton continued to search for his son. 十多年来Morton先生一直在寻找他的儿子。
When I heard the nominees, I'm in there with grown-up actresses-Diane Keaton, Charlize Theron, Samantha Morton, Naomi Watts, I was screaming out to everyone. 当我听到自己和黛安·基顿、莎莉·赛隆、珊曼莎·摩顿和娜欧蜜·华兹等成年女演员一起被提名时,我冲着所有人尖叫。
As a biologist," says Mr Morton," I know that ecosystems can be restored. Still, the waters of China are virtually beyond redemption. 作为一名生物学家“,莫顿说,”我知道生态系统是可以复原的,但中国的水污染超出了复原的程度。
Morton Keller, a history professor at Brandeis University, likes to take the long view. 布兰迪斯大学(brandeisuniversity)的历史学教授莫顿.凯勒喜欢从长远的角度看问题。