In the evening, the people assemble in the mosques 晚上,人们聚集到清真寺里。
Mosques stand empty on a Friday, the traditional day of prayer in Pakistan. 星期五是巴基斯坦传统的祈祷日,但是很多清真寺空无一人。
When we respect the faiths practiced in our churches and synagogues, our mosques and our temples, were more secure. 当我们尊重我们在教堂、犹太教堂、清真寺和寺庙践行的各种信仰时,我们会更安全。
It faces towards Mecca as all mosques must do. 像所有的清真寺一样,这座清真寺也面朝着麦加。
Temples, mosques, churches and synagogues are all sacred buildings. 寺庙、真寺、督教堂及犹太教堂都是奉献给神的建筑物。
We have this ruler who not only builds the great mosques of Isfahan but also an Armenian cathedral, and who brings Christian foundations to work in Persia. 我们看到,这位统治者不仅在伊斯法罕(Isfahan)建造了伟大的清真寺,他还建造了一座亚美尼亚大教堂。同时他还让基督教的组织来波斯做事。
There are churches and mosques here. 这儿有天主堂和清真寺。
Turkish palaces, mosques, museums, monuments, and hundreds of water fountains help tell the story of this old city. 土耳其宫殿、清真寺、博物馆、纪念碑和数百个喷泉都在讲述着这座古城的故事。
Young men have tended to boycott government-licensed mosques. 年轻人已经开始抵制有政府背景的清真寺。
Mosques all over the city had been closed, Muslim residents said. 穆斯林市民表示,全市各处清真寺均已关闭。
Hindu temples and Muslim mosques stand alongside Chinese temples. 华人庙宇的旁边矗立著兴都庙和回教堂。
The city's three biggest mosques, long fallen into disrepair, have been renovated. 城里最大的三座清真寺,过去年久失修,现在已经修复。
With international assistance, Afghanistan is working on providing alternatives, including schools in mosques and homes, tents with Pardah facilities, and new, basic buildings. 在国际援助的帮助下,阿富汗正在寻求替代方法,包括清真寺内和家庭内学校,有帷幕设施的帐篷,以及新的和基本的建筑。
Is there any religious please in yichang? There are churches and mosques here. 请问宜昌有宗教活动场所吗?这儿有天主堂和清真寺。
Authorities in Seattle have increased security around synagogues and mosques after a shooting friday. 在周五的袭击过后,西雅图官方已增加了犹太教堂和清真寺的安全保障。
In many coastal towns stuck by the tsunami, people sought refuge in Buddhist and Hindu temples, mosques and churches. 在许多海啸受灾小镇,人们纷纷在佛教和印度教寺庙、清真寺和教堂中避难,对此,宗教领袖们往往首当其冲地给予支持。
This is why many Maldivian mosques are oriented towards the sun and not Mecca. 而这正是很多马尔代夫清真寺全都朝向太阳而非麦加的原因所在。
Within days hundreds were killed in reprisals and scores of Sunni mosques were attacked. 数日内,上百人遭到报复性杀害,数十座逊尼派清真寺遭到袭击。
They are similar to the traditional Arabic style mosques everywhere in the world. 它们类似于传统的阿拉伯风格的清真寺在世界各地。
These three mosques built by Sai Hazhi served as spiritual support for the Muslim soldiers in Zheng's fleet. 赛哈智修建的三座清真寺成为郑和下西洋船队中广大穆斯林官兵的精神支柱。
There are now thousands of mosques throughout Europe. 在整个欧洲,现在有成千上万个清真寺。
Ottoman mosques in cairo: wavering between the local and the official. 开罗的土耳其清真寺:在地区和官方之间摇曳。
As the injured are treated in mosques and a nearby hospital, the security forces have been put on high alert. 受伤的被送往清真寺和附近的一所医院治疗,保安部队奉命保持高度警戒。
Decided that this tunnel ran under the mosques. 决定了这条在清真寺下的隧洞。
As the Muslim holy month of Ramadan begins, Muslim Americans across the United States are gathering in mosques and homes just as Muslims do around the world. 随着穆斯林进入尊贵的斋月,在整个美国的美国穆斯林欢聚在在清真寺和家中,做着和全世界穆斯林一样的事。
Hagia Sophia served as model for several of the great Turkish mosques of constantinople. 圣索菲娅成为了几个君士坦丁堡的土耳其伟大清真寺的典型。
Buddhist temples, mosques and Hindu temples are everywhere, featuring fine and delicate workmanship. 造型别致、工艺精湛的佛教寺院、清真寺和印度寺院比比皆是。
Due to a large quantity of Muslim mass, the buildings of mosques can be seen everywhere in Xinjiang. 由于穆斯林群众很多,新疆各地都能看到清真寺的建筑。