樟脑丸;卫生球 A mothball is a small ball made of a special chemical, which you can put among clothes or blankets in order to keep moths away.
VERB 把(计划、设备等)束之高阁,暂停 If someone in authority mothballs a plan, factory, or piece of equipment, they decide to stop developing or using it, perhaps temporarily.
...the decision to mothball the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant, for safety and political reasons... 出于安全和政治原因,暂时关闭巴丹核电厂的决定
The shuttle programme has now been mothballed to save money. 为节省资金,航天飞行计划已被束之高阁。
The shuttle programme has now been mothballed to save money. 为节省资金,航天飞行计划已被束之高阁。
Even mothballed golf courses from the '80s bubble years are being pressed into productive service, says Hoshi. 久司保志称,甚至上世纪80年代经济泡沫时期被封存的高尔夫球场现在也被征用了。
Some plants that were mothballed, such as a factory in spring hill, Tennessee, might be brought back into service. 有些经济危机期间被封存的工厂(如田纳西州的春山市工厂)也很有可能会重新启动。
Operators have mothballed some retail space within resorts, effectively walling off areas of empty shops as they wait for demand to pick up. 赌场运营商在静待需求回升,同时它们关闭了赌场内部分零售区域,将那些空荡荡的店铺所在的区域有效地区隔开来。
Australia went down this road during its epic drought in the 2000s. But the plants proved to be so prohibitively expensive to run that four of them were mothballed. 澳大利亚在21世纪初的大干旱时期也走过这条路。但此类工厂已被证实造价过高,他们其中的4个已经封存。
And that came on top of 11 rigs that it has already mothballed, meaning that in just a few weeks, its shale drilling activity will be reduced by about 20 percent. 之前它已经封存了11部钻机,这意味着,在短短几周内,其页岩钻探活动将减少20%。
In the age when America's space shuttles are all mothballed in museums while other nations boast of plans to head to the Moon or to Mars, Cameron's ocean deal provides cold comfort. 如今,美国的航天飞机全部都被封存到博物馆里,而其他国家也都在大张旗鼓地宣传自己奔向月球、奔向火星的计划。因此,卡梅伦在海洋探索事业上的捐赠并不能带来太多安慰。
Dozens of mainland companies mothballed IPO plans last year when markets plunged. 去年股市猛跌时,数十家内地企业搁置了ipo计划。
The recovery in global manufacturing has come primarily because companies have sold off much of their accumulated stocks and are re-starting mothballed production lines. 全球制造业的恢复,主要是因为企业已经出售了它们积累的大部分库存,并重新启动被封存的生产线。
Last year, about four times as many planned or existing coal units were mothballed as were built from 2000-2008. 去年,现有或计划中的燃煤电厂中,被封存的数量达到2000年至2008年兴建的燃煤电厂的大约4倍。
That money, say the government's critics, could be better used to pay its own bills and thereby free up unused capacity in power plants that are mothballed because of non-payment and disrepair. 政府的批评者表示那钱如果用来偿还债务会更好,这样也可以更好利用发电厂闲置的电力,这些电厂因欠款以及没有维修已被关闭。
Mothballed as a transportation lifeline, it might have forever faded from interest. I am happy to note that the readership of Chinese newspapers continues to grow. 渡口被当作交通生命线而封存起来,本应永远从人们的兴趣中褪去。我很高兴见到华文报的读者群不断增加。
Billions of dollars have been spent to develop the Yucca Mountain repository, but under President Barack Obama the project has been mothballed, with no replacement site identified to date. 为了修建这个犹加山核废料贮存库,已经花费了数十亿美元,但是在奥巴马总统主政下,这项计划又遭到冻结。到目前为止,还没有选出其他取代的地点。
The original proposal had been mothballed years ago. 最初的建议几年前就束之高阁了。
Chipmakers have mothballed excess capacity. 芯片制造商封存了过剩的产能。
The Japanese car manufacturer mothballed its UK factories late last year as it struggled to sell cars across Europe, hitting UK manufacturing output hard. 这家日本汽车制造商去年晚些时候因为汽车在欧洲销量不佳而关闭了英国的工厂,给英国制造业产出造成沉重打击。
July numbers may have been boosted by the impending end of some tax rebates and weak June industrial production data suggest some factories are being mothballed to grind down stockpiles. 7月份数据可能受到部分出口退税政策即将终止的提振,而6月份工业生产数据疲软,似乎表明部分工厂正在减产,以消化大量存货。
German firms that had mothballed factories when global demand for durable goods plummeted have returned to capacity far sooner than they had dared hope. 在耐用产品的全球需求大幅减少之际,德国企业让各工厂停止了生产。如今,这些企业已经恢复生产,要比它们所希望的早得多。
The six coal pits were mothballed in the hope that they would be reopened in a time of better economic conditions. 这六个煤矿暂被封存,希望它们能在经济形势更好的时候重开。
So-called golden hellos signing on bonuses for new staff have already been mothballed. 所谓的黄金问候新雇员的签约奖金已经被搁置。
But it was a different story across the road on its two mothballed sites, which stood largely silent. 但马路对面两个搁置的工地上却是另一番景象。这里几乎一片寂静。
"development period ( of a project, of a company)" ( It will be mothballed during the redevelopment. (一个项目,一个公司的)开发期(新开发期间天鹅剧院将被封存。
In the light of the distribution characteristics of exposure strata and stratum pressures, the mothballed box can be horizontally divided into three parts of the superpressure district inside the box, the superpressure district on the box border and the normal pressure border inside the box. 根据出露地层及地层压力分布特征,可将封存箱在平面上划分为箱内超高压区、箱缘超压区和箱外常压区等三个部分。
Mothballed box and gas POOL-FORMED mode of Upper Triassic Series 封存箱与上三叠统天然气成藏模式