The injured man was lying motionless on his back 那名受伤的男子一动不动地仰面躺在那里。
He has this ability of being able to remain as motionless as a statue, for hours on end 他有本事连续几个小时一动不动,像雕塑一样。
Her hands were motionless 她双手静止不动。
He stood there motionless. 他一动不动地站在那儿。
She lay motionless where she was, oblivious to pain 她一动不动地躺在原地,已经感觉不到疼痛。
Steve plonked himself down on a seat and stayed motionless as the bus moved away. 史蒂夫一屁股坐在位子上,公共汽车开动起来时他一动都不动。
Fish and seaweed rose, caught motionless in the surging water. 鱼和海藻浮起来,在汹涌的水流中动弹不得。
Airplanes drag along a very thin shield of motionless air known as a boundary layer. 飞机曳着一层很薄的紧贴机面不动的空气一道向前运动,这层空气叫做附面层。
Still she was motionless, like a curled up, oblivious creature. 可她却仍然不动弹,犹如一只蜷缩的,被人遗忘的动物。
But afterwards changed the motionless industry to succeed atone fell swoop. 而后来转向不动产业一举成功。
There wasn't a breath of wind and the willow branches were motionless. 没有一点儿风,柳条儿纹丝不动。
Thenardier instantly reappeared behind him and remained motionless in the half-open door, visible only to his wife. 德纳第立即转身跟在他的后面走来,走到那半开着的门口时,停了下来,立着不动,只让他女人看得见他。
The sitting position is motionless, passive, and inactive. 坐着的姿势是静止的、被动的,不活跃的。
But the owl lay motionless and pathetic as a toy on the floor of her cage. 然而猫头鹰像个玩具一样,可怜巴巴地躺在鸟笼底部一动不动。
For a moment the horse stood motionless. 马一动不动地站了一会儿。
I just sat and stared, motionless, in front of her, unable to feel anything. 我就坐在她面前,一动不动地看着她,没有任何感觉。
So sudden, so striking was the news that I sat motionless on sofa for a few minutes. 这个消息来得如此突然、如此令人震惊,我在沙发上呆呆地坐了几分钟。
The count was alone with morrel, who remained motionless as a statue. 房间里只剩下伯爵和莫雷尔了,莫雷尔仍象石像似的一动不动。
Reaching the gate the man stood motionless for several seconds, then slowly turned around. 到了门口,流浪汉纹丝不动地站了几秒钟,然后慢慢转过身来。
I had never forgot you, because of you and I, have learned love soundless and motionless. 我从来没忘记过你,因为你,我学会了无声无息的爱。
She knew that silent, motionless portal opened into the street. 她知道这扇静止不动的门直通街上。
The horse lay motionless on the ground, as if it was dead. 这匹马一动不动地躺在地上,好像死了。
The cat sat motionless as it waited for the mouse. 这只猫坐着一动也不动地等着逮老鼠。
Even when it is motionless, the short overhangs and characteristic wedge shape express sporting dynamics. 即使在车辆静止不动时,简洁的前悬和棱角分明的外形都显示其运动型轿车的特点。
But I wasn't inert or motionless. 但我并不是没有活动的能力。
But even then, I would not want to be a motionless statue. 但即使那时,我也不愿做一座没有感情的雕像。
Madame Cluck lies down on the bed motionless, time I all wonder she is living whether also. 克拉克夫人躺在床上一动不动,一时间我都纳闷她是否还活着。
That same moment, I saw a young couple standing motionless directly in my path. 就在这时,我看到一对年轻夫妇一动不动地站在我的滑道上。
You must pick up indistinct and motionless objects, as well as moving ones. 你既要能看清运动中的物体,也要能辨别静止和模糊的物体。
There was an absurd idea that the earth was flat and motionless. 去曾经有一种荒谬的观点认为地球呈扁平状而且静止不动。