The detective has to discover the motive, the means and the opportunity and has to keep these three balls in the air. 那名侦探必须查明动机、手段和时机,而且对这三项的调查必须同步展开。
In this trial two essential elements must be proven: motive and opportunity. 在这次审讯中,必须证明两个基本因素:动机和时机。
The motive of the executions would be to instil fear. 执行死刑的动机是要灌输恐惧。
Police have ruled out robbery as a motive for the killing. 警方已排除因抢劫而杀人的可能。
The doctor's motive was to bring an end to his patient's suffering. 医生的初衷是终止患者的痛苦。
The profit motive is inherently at odds with principles of fairness and equity. 盈利动机天生就与公平和公正的原则相抵触。
Their motive is money, and they will stop at nothing to get it. 他们的动机是钱,为了钱他们会不择手段。
Sheila had an ulterior motive for trying to help Stan 希拉想帮助斯坦是另有所图的。
The motive for the killing is unknown. 杀人动机不明。
What's the motive! 用心何在?
The man privately admits that his motive is profits. 那人私下承认他的动机是为了牟利。
He had some motive in telling this fable. 他讲这寓言故事是有用意的。
I have established a motive. 我已查明了这一动机。
The people are the motive force in the making of world history. 人民是创造世界历史的动力。
We can derive his motive from his behaviour. 从他的行为可以推演出他的动机。
I have already spoken about the dialectical materialist view of motive and effect. 关于动机和效果的辩证唯物主义观点,我在前面已经讲过了。
I don't think she could have killed him& she has no motive. 我认为她不可能杀了他&她没有动机。
This is exactly the motive and the target that we complete a certain work. 这正是我们完成某一件作品的动力和目标。
To pursue happiness and interests is the potential motive power of human nature. 对于幸福和利益的追求是人性潜在的原动力。
Because he was the only one with motive and opportunity. 因为他是唯一有机会和动机的人。
All of our suspects have motive and something to gain. 有嫌疑的人都有动机和可能性。
Many scholars consider the Economy as the basic structure of society and the motive power of history. 许多学者人为经济是社会的基础结构和历史的动力。
It's indicative of a whole other motive. 他直接显示了其他的动机。
To some extent, we can say, competition is an important motive force of the development of society. 从某种程度上,我们可以说,竞争是社会发展的一种重要推动力。
In English study's process, affects the study the motive is most complex, most meaningful factor. 英语学习的过程中,影响学习的动机是一个最复杂,最有意义的因素。
Evidence in a criminal trial concerns the intent, motive, means, and opportunity to commit a crime. 刑事审判中的证据关系到犯罪的目的,动机,方法和机会等。
I am here not to say Chinese are not distinguishable of motive and effect, which is of impossibility. 我不是说国人不区分动机和效果,这是不可能的。
The function of cultural motive force in economic development increases with economic development. 经济发展中文化动力作用,随经济发展而加强。
The motive is now religious? 动机现在是宗教性的了?
So he had the means, and he had the motive. 所以他有作案动机和条件。