There is a story, probably apocryphal, about a British motorcyclist on holiday in America. 故事讲述一位英国摩托车手在美国度假,但未必真实。
A motorcyclist was seriously injured when she was snared by a rope stretched across the road. 一个骑摩托的女子被横扯在马路上的一根绳子给绊倒了,伤势严重。
His staff is happy to advertise that he dropped out of high school to play in a rock band, and is an avid motorcyclist. 他的竞选队伍很乐意宣传他从高中退学参加摇滚乐队的那段经历和他对摩托车的热爱。
Where did that motorcyclist come from? 那些飚车族打哪儿来?
"Neither the donkey nor I were responsible because I was in front and the motorcyclist saw me," Gonzalez told RCN television. “驴子和我都没有责任,因为我当时是在前面,摩托车手看见我了。”岗萨雷兹对RCN电视台的记者说。
It's OK, Mum, the motorcyclist's got it under control. 好啦,妈妈。骑手已经控制住了。
A motorist ran into a motorcyclist, yet the motorcyclist was not hurt while the motorist was badly injured. why? 一个汽车司机撞上了一个骑摩托车的人,骑摩托车的人安然无恙,汽车司机却受了重伤。这是怎么回事?
The policeman cautioned the motorcyclist against speeding on any future occasion. 警察警告这开摩托车的人,将来在任何场合下都不行超速。
The motorcyclist was dead on arrival at the hospital. 摩托车手送到医院时已经死亡。
Two ambulance men put Ben and the motorcyclist into the ambulance. 两名救护人员把本和骑摩托车的人放进救护车里。
Maneuverability is one of a motorcycle's better characteristics, especially at slower speeds and with good road conditions, but don't expect a motorcyclist to always be able to dodge out of the way. 机动性是机车的一大长处,特别是在较慢速和良好路况的时候,不过别期望机车一定能闪过任何状况。
The motorcyclist came abreast of his car and shouted abuse at him. 托车手来到他的汽车旁,对他破口大骂。
Hearses followed an ambulance carrying a woman who had been struck unconscious by a motorcyclist, wanting to know if she had died, the Chongqing Times reported. 据《重庆时报》报道,一名女子被一骑摩托车的人撞晕,上了救护车后竟然被两辆殡仪车尾随并打探她是不是死了。
The motorcyclist was in a critical condition in hospital last night. 那位摩托车手昨晚在医院生命垂危。