The four cannons echoed each other mournfully. 这四门炮相互间的回声都凄厉哀怨。
Asked the little mermaid mournfully; I would give gladly all the hundreds of years that I have to live, to be a human being only for one day, and to have the hope of knowing the happiness of that glorious world above the stars. 小人鱼悲哀地问。只要我能够变成人、可以进入天上的世界,哪怕在那儿只活一天,我都愿意放弃我在这儿所能活的几百岁的生命。
'Well, as I killed the horse, mother,' she said mournfully, 'I suppose I ought to do something. 好吧,马死在我手里,母亲,她悲伤地说,我想应该作点儿什么来挽救。
Then her sisters came up on the waves, and gazed at her mournfully, wringing their white hands. 不一会,他的姐姐们都浮到水面上来了,她们悲哀地望着她,苦痛地扭著她们白净的手。
And then they sighed deeply and mournfully, and sank down beneath the waves. 她们发出一个奇怪的、深沉的叹息声,于是她们便沉入浪祷里去了。
The lunatic cat who lives in my house was howling mournfully for some reason and I told him, I know exactly how you feel. 住在我屋子里的疯猫出于某种原因高声哀号,我对它说:我懂你的感觉。
The young man stared into his glass mournfully. 年轻人悲哀地盯着他的镜子。
He bent his head mournfully, and sighed in deep sorrow, as an unquiet spirit might sigh. 他身穿铠甲,头低垂着,一副愁容,像一个不幸的精灵,深深地叹息着。
"Today people think style is a handbag," says Dolce, mournfully. “如今大家都认为时尚就是手提包,”多尔切哀伤地说道。
Gerald looked mournfully at his daughter. 杰拉尔德伤心地看着女儿。
Often and often she walked mournfully round the place where Haley's gang of men and women sat in their chains. 她经常愁容满面地从海利那一伙用链子锁着的黑人身边走过。
"No. I'd be too scared to run," Emil admitted mournfully, twisting his fingers. 不,我吓得跑不动了,爱弥儿难过地说,一边捻着他的手指头。
The evening after the funeral, my young lady and I were seated in the library; now musing mournfully one of us despairingly on our loss, now venturing conjectures as to the gloomy future. 丧事办完后的那天晚上,我的小姐和我坐在书房里;一会儿哀伤地思索着我们的损失&我们中间有一个是绝望地思索着,一会儿又对那黯淡的未来加以推测。
He shook his head mournfully and called to the next stall, where a jeweler emptied out a box of metal findings, eventually locating a tiny brass safety pin. 他同情地摇摇头,并向旁边的档主呼喊,在那里,一个卖首饰商人掏空了一整盒金属物件,终于找出了一个小小的黄铜扣针。
Over in the corner three birds looked at us mournfully. 角落里那三只鸟儿忧伤的看着我们。
"I have no money to build ships with, penelon," said the poor owner mournfully," so I cannot accept your kind offer." “我已没有钱再造船了,佩尼隆,”船主带着一个悲哀微笑说道,“所以我无法接受你们的好意了。”
On the one hand, the nationalism is written on the flag calling mournfully. 在分裂谱系的一端,民族主义被写在信念的旗帜上,发出悲壮的召唤;
The sea water washed mournfully against the sides of the boat. When a sea burst upon it the lighter sprays fell upon her deck and wetted us like rain. 当一个浪头冲击着它时,轻漂的浪花翻上了船甲板,下雨般的淋了我们一身。
I believe that people, one and all, were soaking themselves in the lengthy waiting, mournfully. 我相信在那漫长的等待中,几乎所有人的心情都是沉重的。
Mournfully slowly they roll, silently swelling and mixing. 这些云悲哀地悠然舒卷着,无声地胀大,又融合。
The dog looked mournfully after its owner. 狗悲伤地目送主人离去。
The male cockatile was more unhappy, howling mournfully night and day for weeks from my son's room. 雄鸟更是乐不起来,在我儿子房里日日夜夜地哀鸣了几个礼拜。
Both stars and moon were hidden by the dark bank of cloud that covered the sky, and in his gloomy garden the wind was soughing mournfully among the trees. 满天乌云遮蔽了星和月亮,吴公馆园子里阴森森地,风吹树叶,声音很凄惨。
First section was newly written realistic writing writer sighing mournfully to what life nihility was felt. 第一节写到了新写实作家对人生虚无感的悲叹。