Suer's work shows that nine out of 10 of these odors are picked up by olfactory neurons under hair-like structures on the mosquitoes 'mouthparts. 休尔的研究表明这10种细菌中有9种是由蚊子口器上毛发状结构的嗅觉神经元发觉的。
In the lab, scientists tested how nerves in the mouthparts of honeybees and bumblebees respond to three widely used neonicotinoids. 实验室里,针对蜜蜂和大黄蜂口腔内的神经对三种经常使用的新烟碱农药的反映,科学家进行了一场测试。
Insect having biting mouthparts and four large membranous wings with netlike veins. 有适于咀嚼的口器和四个网状的大膜翅膀的昆虫。
Any of numerous, generally small, often oddly shaped homopterous insects of the family Membracidae, found mostly in the tropics and having mouthparts adapted to sucking the sap from trees. 角蝉任一种通常体型较小、形状怪异的角蝉科同翅目昆虫,多见于热带地区,长有适于吸食树木汁液的口器。
Hymenopterous insect that resembles a wasp and whose larvae are parasitic on caterpillars and other insect larvae. insect having biting mouthparts and front wings modified to form horny covers overlying the membranous rear wings. 象黄蜂的膜翅类昆虫,其幼虫寄生在毛虫和其它昆虫的幼体内。一种昆虫,尖嘴,前翅进化为覆盖于后翅的角质膜。
Different niches, having different requirements, result in different genes and different shaped mouthparts. 不同的环境,对物种有不同要求,从而产生了不同的基因和不同形状的口器。
Moth having nonfunctional mouthparts as adults; larvae feed on tree foliage and spin egg-shaped cocoons. 有象成体一样不起作用的口器的蛾子;幼虫吃树叶并结鸡蛋形的蚕茧。
Insects with sucking mouthparts and forewings thickened and leathery at the base; usually show incomplete metamorphosis. 有能够吮吸的嘴、变厚的前翅和类似皮革的腹底的昆虫;通常表现为不完全的蜕变。
Small dull-colored moth with chewing mouthparts. 深色的小蛾子,有善于咀嚼的口器。
Copepods with suctorial mouthparts; parasitic on fishes. 有吸口器的桡足动物;寄生于鱼上。
A group of bees was trained to distinguish between two odors, and to extend their mouthparts to one, which bore sugar, but not the other, which led to punishment. 训练一组蜜蜂学会辨别两种气味,并将口气触到其中一种口味&糖,另一种则代表惩罚。
Afterward, the shaken bees chose to avoid getting their mouthparts near an ambiguous odor presented to them& apparently pessimistic about what it might hold. 事后,被摇晃的蜜蜂选择避开用口器靠近它们面前的不明气味&很显然,这些蜜蜂对其可能抓住的东西持悲观态度。
Small soft-bodied insect with chewing mouthparts and either no wings or two pairs. 软体小昆虫,有善于咀嚼的口器,没有翅膀也没有双对。
Minute two-winged mosquito-like fly lacking biting mouthparts; appear in dancing swarms esp. near water. 微小的双翅目蚊子样飞虫,没有尖细的嘴;成群跳跃并特别在近水处。
Any of numerous small parasitic nematode worms of the family ancylostomatidae, having hooked mouthparts with which they fasten themselves to the intestinal walls of various hosts, including human beings, causing ancylostomiasis. 钩虫钩虫属的大量小的寄生线虫,嘴部有倒刺,可以固定于寄主内脏壁上(包括人类),能引起钩虫病。
Any of various insects having leathery forewings and membranous hind wings and chewing mouthparts. 各种有坚韧的前翅、膜状的后翅和善于咀嚼的嘴巴的昆虫。
This olfactory neuron is co-compartmentalized together with two other olfactory neurons underneath the capitate peg sensilla, hair-like structures, present on the mouthparts of the mosquito. 这种嗅觉神经元和其它两种嗅觉神经元一起分布在蚊子口器上发丝状结构的下方。
This is because the fish lice feed on the body surface with its needle-like mouthparts pierce the vampire fish so that the fish are tickle. 这是因为鱼虱寄生于体表,用其针状口器刺入鱼体内吸血,使鱼感到痒痛。
E.ruidum charges the waiting bee, grabs its mouthparts, hauls it away and kills it – now somebody else will be bringing home a little snack. Ruidum会冲向等待着的蜜蜂,抓住他的口器,再将他拖到远处杀死&这个时候别的蜜蜂可能正在将食物运回蜂巢。
A brief introduction to insect mouthparts and their evolutionary history 昆虫口器及其进化简史
The relationships between variation of morphological structure of the mouthparts and feeding in saprophagous scarab beetles were inferred based on comparative morphological study preliminarily. 在比较形态学研究基础上,对金龟甲口器各部分的形态变化及其与食性的关系进行了初步推断。
Kerria lacca's mouthparts can reach the secondary phloem of all 7 host trees. 7种寄主植物周皮到韧皮部的距离都在紫胶蚧口针达到范围之内;
Effects of Bt-transgenic cotton on population of the piercing-sucking mouthparts insects 转Bt基因棉花对刺吸式口器害虫种群的影响
Insects use chemoreceptors on ovipositors, mouthparts, antennae or tarsi to detect marking pheromones. 植食性昆虫的寄主标记信息素只产在寄主表面,用触角或产卵器检测。
Use of low-toxic and nontoxic pesticides against important pest insects with piercing and sucking mouthparts in flower shrubs 低、无毒农药防治花灌木主要刺吸式口器害虫
Preliminary Study on Main Piercing-Sucking Mouthparts Pests on Tress Tip of Manilkara zapota in Nanning City 南宁市人心果梢部主要刺吸害虫的初步研究
Whereas studies on the mouthpart morphology and the fine structures of the mouthparts in Cicadellidae are relatively few. 目前对叶蝉科昆虫口器的形态和超微结构研究很少。