Individual persons shall be entitled to enjoy ownership of such immovables and movables as their lawful incomes, houses, articles for daily use, means of production and raw materials. 私人对其合法的收入、房屋、生活用品、生产资料、原材料等不动产和动产享有所有权。
Good faith acquisition of movables is a very important system established in the Property Rights Law to secure the transaction of movables. 动产善意取得制度是物权法上为维护动产物权交易安全而建立的一项重要制度。
The debtor or the third party mentioned in the proceeding paragraph shall be the pledgor, the creditor shall be the pledgee, and the movables transferred shall be the pledged property. 前款规定的债务人或者第三人为出质人,债权人为质权人,移交的动产为质物。
At the same time, noticing method of movables right means possession rather than payment. Notification method of rights of real estate means registry, not registration. 同时,动产物权的公示方法是占有而不是交付,不动产物权的公示方法是登记簿而不是登记。
The movables as used in this Law means things other than the immovables. 本法所称动产是指不动产以外的物。
In addition, in the amendments on possession, exception regulations about presumption of possession rights were added, and the system of bona fide acquisition of movables was also revised. 此外,关于占有的修正,增订了占有权利推定之例外规定;修正动产善意取得制度等。
The days are long past in settled countries when land could be acquired originally, by occupation or settlement, but movables can still be acquired in this way, as when a man catches fish or makes a table from wood. 在拓殖国家中通过占领或定居形式来原始取得土地,已经是过去很久的事情了,但今天动产依然可通过原始取得的方式获得。例如人捕到的鱼,用木材做的桌子。
After the use of the requisitioned immovables or movables, they shall be returned to the units or individuals whose immovables or movables are requisitioned. 被征用的不动产或者动产使用后,应当返还被征用人。
His movables are quite valuable. 他的动产价值不菲。
The immovables or movables owned by the collective in cities and towns shall, in accordance with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations, be possessed and used by, shall benefit, and shall be disposed by, the said collective. 城镇集体所有的不动产和动产,依照法律、行政法规的规定由本集体享有占有、使用、收益和处分的权利。
In a policy on goods or other movables there is no implied warranty that the goods or movables are seaworthy. 在货物或其他动产的保险单中,不存在该货物或动产适航的默示保证。
Of the purpose that enterprise movables guaranty registers prevent to repeat pledge, ensure the implementation of hypothec. 企业动产抵押登记的目的的防止重复抵押,保障抵押权的实现。
Registration, with its main function of proclaiming the transference of the right over movables, is the very method of proclaiming the right over several kinds of important movables. 登记是几类重要动产物权的公示方法,其主要功能在于公示动产物权的变动。
With the transfer of the ownership of the above-ground buildings and other attached objects by the land users, the right to the use of the land within the limits of use of the said buildings and objects shall be transferred accordingly, with the exception of the movables. 土地使用者转让地上建筑物、其他附着物所有权时,其使用范围内的土地使用权随之转让,但地上建筑物、其他附着物作为动产转让的除外。
The pledge of movables can be acquired with good will wonder provisions but entails its peculiarity in its constitution. 动产质权可经设定而善意取得,但在构成上有其特殊性。
The rules relating to mortgages over movables under the current version of the Property Right Law ( Draft) are not reasonable because the scope of movables which may be mortgaged are too narrow. 物权法草案有关动产抵押的相关规定不尽合理。可设定抵押的动产范围限定过窄,抵押财产转让方面有违商品经济的本质要求及对受让人明显不公平。
Bona fide protection between dealing of real property and movables is quite different. 不动产交易的善意保护不同于动产交易的善意保护。
Floating mortgage of movables should not be stipulated recklessly; 不可轻率规定动产浮动抵押;
As a kind of security, the pledge of share right is different from that of movables and has its own legal characteristics. 股权不同于一般动产,所以,股权质押作为一种担保方式,也不同于一般动产质押,而具有自己的法律特征。
Improvement of Chinese Movables Mortgage System 浅议我国动产抵押制度的完善&兼议我国担保法的修改
The movables transaction Law is one of important laws in Taiwan. It has played an important role in promoting fund circulation and transaction protection, while the publication system has just held the balance. 台湾动产交易法是台湾地区重要法律之一,对促进资金融通与维护交易安全发挥了的重要作用,而公示制度对此作用的发挥举足轻重。
The constitutive requirements of public benefit collection must be legal and its object includes property rights, movables and immovables. 公益征收的构成要件必须法定,其客体应包括动产、不动产和财产权利三类。
At the end of the article, the author points out that the theory influence and the practice influence of divide the movables and immovables by the legal standards. 文章最后,笔者指出了采用法定标准区分动产与不动产所具有的理论意义和实践意义。
Once again, clearly define the difference between accounts receivable and movables, and give the direct right of claim to the pledgee. 再次,清晰界定应收账款与动产的区别,赋予应收账款质权人直接索取权。
In order to adapt to changes and developments in international business operations, different countries and regions try to adopt new conflict rules to choose the governing law for disputes concerning the security interest on movables or intangibles. 为了适应国际经济交往活动的变化和发展,不同国家和地区对于在一些特殊情况下如何处理动产和无形财产担保物权争议的法律适用问题进行了不同程度的突破和尝试。
Judging from the legal constitution, the bona fide trust of the third party, system values, legal effects, there are much more commonness than discrepancy between the bona fide acquisition of real property and movables. 从法律构造、相对人善意信赖、制度价值、法律效果等因素上进行综合判断,不动产善意取得与动产善意取得两项制度应当是共性更加超越差异性。
The birth of chattel mortgage system has changed the situation that real estate mortgage and pledge of movables rank first in the system of security interest. 动产抵押制度的诞生改变了不动产抵押、动产质押一统物之交换价值利用的方式的格局。
Good faith acquisition is fixed in most countries 'civil law, but just limit in movables not suitable for immovables. 现在已为世界上大多数国家的民法所确定,但一般都是仅限于动产,对不动产不适用善意取得。
It is usually considered that the good faith acquisition of ownership is originated from Germanic law, the "hand guard" principle. Its object is movables, the way to get it only appear in the commodities trading of movables. 通常认为,善意取得制度源于日尔曼法的以手护手原则,其对象是动产,其取得方法,只能是在动产的商品交易中。
Possession is the way of public declaration of alternation of right over the movables. 由于占有被作为动产物权的公示方式。