Caprese salad, a little mozzarella di buffalo. 意大利番茄沙拉,加点水牛芝士。
Topped with red tomato, white mozzarella and green basil, The Margherita, one of the pillars in the Neapolitan pizza family, was designed to bring to mind the colors of the Italian national flag. 那不勒斯披萨家族的当家之作&玛格丽特披萨,以红番茄、白干酪、和绿色的罗勒为馅料。这种馅料的颜色搭配旨在让人联想到意大利国旗。
I try one more time: Maybe I resemble a buffalo mozzarella? 我又试了一次或许像一块水牛乳酪(BuffaloMozzarella)?
Vegetarian: Brush dough with olive oil or pesto, then top with slightly overlapping thin slices of eggplant, onion, tomato, mushrooms and mozzarella. 素披萨:将面团刷上橄榄油或香蒜酱,上面铺上切成薄片的茄子、洋葱、西红柿、蘑菇和马苏里拉奶酪。
// Spread a layer of sauce over rolled-out crust, top with packed 188; cup torn basil leaves and 4 ounces fresh mozzarella, thinly sliced. //在摊好的饼皮上铺上一层番茄酱,上面撒上1/4杯撕碎的罗勒叶和四盎司鲜马苏里拉奶酪薄片。
A lovely evening of new idioms and fresh mozzarella. 一个由新成语和新鲜起司所构成的愉快夜晚。
Others crave minimalist pies topped with nothing but garlic, olive oil and rosemary, or thinly sliced tomatoes and fresh mozzarella. 有人则喜欢上面只有大蒜、橄榄油和迷迭香,或者只放薄薄的西红柿切片和鲜马苏里拉奶酪的极简主义披萨。
Order the margherita pizza with double mozzarella. 点玛格丽特比萨加双份起司。
You want mozzarella on bread? 你想不想吃拉丝面包?
The Study Status of Mozzarella Cheese Mozzarella干酪的研究进展
We need to get that pizza to the diners before the mozzarella congeals back into a hard lump. 所以,我们必须在干盐奶酪凝结成块之前把比萨饼交付给食客。
Optimization of process of Mozzarella cheese with soy milk by Response Surface Methodology 响应曲面法优化含豆乳的Mozzarella干酪的生产工艺参数
Chili sauce, mozzarella, wild mushroom, red onions. 辣酱,马苏里拉,蘑菇,红洋葱。
He created a pizza topped with tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, and basil. 他所做出来的比萨配上了蕃茄、大利白乾酪以及罗勒。
The cheese, we've got some herring and some deliciously fresh mozzarella. 奶酪,鲱鱼还有一些美味新鲜的意大利干酪。
Influence of fat contents on microstructure of low-fat Mozzarella cheese 脂肪质量分数对低脂Mozzarella干酪微观结构的影响
Our selected butter spaghetti topped with minced beef or chicken and mozzarella cheese. 精选的黄油意大利面配牛肉酱或鸡肉酱和莫扎里拉芝士。
The First Lady told a story about how daughter, Sasha, would not eat tomatoes until she made her own tomato, mozzarella and pesto sandwich in a cooking class at school. 她还说,女儿萨莎是在学校的烹饪课上学会自己制作奶酪香蒜味西红柿三明治之后才开始吃西红柿的。
In Italy there are laws defining pizza, which set allowances on the type of flour, tomato, mozzarella, olive oil, basil and oregano. 在意大利,有关于比萨的法律,规定比萨由面粉、番茄、意大利干酪、橄榄油、罗勒和牛至制成。
Determination of bendamustine hydrochloride and related substance by HPLC All Peppes pizzas are made with our original pizza sauce and our own blended cheeses ( Mozzarella and classic Gouda). HPLC法测定盐酸苯达莫司汀含量及有关物质所有的派乐仕匹萨都是用我们独家的匹萨酱和混合干酪(莫扎里拉干酪,高达干酪)。
With scallop, squid, shrimp, fish, crab, onion and mozzarella. 配带子,鱿鱼,虾,鱼柳,蟹柳,洋葱及芝士。