I've started going to evening classes to learn how to do things properly, rather than just muddling along. 我已经开始去夜校听课了,学习如何做事,而不是瞎混日子。
Tom is still muddling along. 汤姆仍然在胡混日子。
Fast-forward four years to this June, when Yahoo ( YHOO) was still muddling through, and its management was unable to reignite growth or to articulate a clear vision for the business. 快进到今年6月,雅虎的业务仍然十分混乱,它的管理层既没能重现增长的势头,也没有为公司业务设立一个清晰的愿景。
At best, things are just muddling along for most of the tech world. 说科技界大多数公司正在混日子也不为过。
Are there any practical ways to correct inaccurate performance reviews, or should we just keep muddling along? 有没有一种可行的办法来纠正不准确的业绩评价呢,或者我们是否就应该这么得过且过?
If there is a muddling of that distinction, has Baidu somehow contributed to consumers'purchasing products that harmed them? 如果区分不清,消费者如果购买了对他们产生损害的产品,百度是不是在某种程度上要对此负责呢?
And above all, they need to rediscover the virtues of muddling along and keeping options open. 同时,更重要的是,他们有必要重新发掘出得过且过和灵活选择的长处。
Suiyuan not muddling along, and causes delays, but do listen to the fate of the personnel. 随缘不是得过且过,因循苟且,而是尽人事听天命。
They have little choice but to adopt the philosophy of muddling through. 除了采纳“摸索前进”的哲学之外,它们没什么选择。
You must be muddling me up with my twin brother. 你一定是把我看成我的孪生兄弟了。
Institutions, regulators and bureaucrats abhor the very idea of muddling through. 各机构、监管者和官僚主义者十分厌恶摸索前进的做法。
They will consider whether European leaders have the political will and public backing to take a decisive leap forward towards deeper political integration, in response to the euro crisis. And, if not, whether there is any alternative to muddling through and ad hoc crisis management. 他们将考虑,面对欧元危及,欧洲领导人是否有采取果断措施迈向更深层次政治整合的政治意愿,以及他们是否会得到公众支持;如若不然,是否还有勉强度过危机和特殊危机管理的替代方案。
Capitalism is about muddling through. 资本主义是渐进调整的过程。
She's still muddling along making up her mind. 她还是糊里糊涂地拿不定主意。
John was muddling on, and we could not follow what he was trying to say. 约翰乱说一气,我们搞不清他想说什么。
By contrast, entrepreneurs tend to be experts at muddling through. 与之相比,企业家通常是摸索前进的专家。
In our factory you see nobody muddling along. 在我们厂里,你看不到混日子的人。
Inattention and muddling through may be the path of least resistance, but they should not and must not represent our national policy on this critical issue. 淡漠,敷衍了事可能走阻力最小、但他们并不能代表我们不应该在这个关键问题上的国家政策。
Meanwhile, Americans were partly reassured after being told by European policymakers that the most likely outcome for the eurozone was muddling through, rather than collapse. 与此同时,当从欧洲决策者的口中得知,欧元区最有可能的结果是勉强维持、而不是解体之后,美国人也稍稍松了口气。
There is one school of thought that sees Nigeria consistently muddling through such crises. 有一个学派认为,尼日利亚一贯胡乱应对此类危机。
Muddling along with what they inherited feels like an arduous and imperfect compromise. 守着自己继承的摊子胡乱混日子,感觉像是一种吃力不讨好而又不完美的妥协。
The Chinese are masters of muddling through. 中国人是得过且过的高手。
He failed in several attempts before muddling through to success. 他几次尝试失败之后总算勉强获得成功。
Since the budget cuts started in2009, says Ms Feinstein, the court has been muddling through. 自从2009年开始削减预算以来,芬丝坦女士说,法院就一直得过且过地对付。
The practical man must follow the branch approach the science of muddling through. 务实的人必须采用分支方法,即渐进决策科学。
I keep muddling her up with her sister. 我总是把她当成她姐姐。
Let's face it, too many people end up drifting and muddling, without knowing what life is really for. 现实生活中,太多的人在浑浑噩噩中结束了一生的历程,到最后也没有明白生命的意义。
To conclude& this is no time for retreat, for half-measures, or for muddling through. 总而言之,在当前时刻,我们不能退缩,不能折衷,不能敷衍。
Simply muddling through will damage vital longer-term interests such as European stability and prosperity. 得过且过将会损害欧洲稳定和繁荣等关键的长期利益。